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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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What if anything do these pales of juice include other than the juice and its own primary?
I'm not sure on the buckets. I purchased the Renaissance Mosti Mondiale Amarone. It came with two packets of oak chips, raisins, and the regular stuff. I'd be curious too!

Another note on these kits is that the bucket is a 6.5 gal and George is going to discuss using this with MM due to possible issue with foaming and not enough headspace.


Get more hints on winemaking: VINIFICATION METHOD FOR THE

ALLJUICEtm 23 liters
Carefully record and keep
the Lot Number inscribed on top of the bag s cap. Empty content of the bag in at
least a 25 liter (6.6 U.S. gallon), open fermentor; make sure the fermentor is perfectly clean. Note:
your fermentor and all equipment with a chlorine detergent available from your home-wine store. Rinse
thoroughly. Sterilize fermentor and all equipment with a standard Potassium metabisulfite solution (3
tablespoons in 4 liters of water). Let drain properly.
If your kit contains a package marked Bentonite pour contents into 250ml of cold water. Do not stir, wait 30
then stir vigorously. Add to must in the primary and mix thoroughly. Test
the specific gravity and
the reading. Make sure
the temperature of the must is adequate (21°-24oC/ 70°-76 oF; heat if
necessary). Prepare and add yeast according to the instructions on the packet. Cover fermentor with its cover
or a clean plastic sheet. Fasten lightly to allow gases (CO2) to escape. First signs of fermentation should
appear in 24 to 48 hours (if not, contact your home wine Specialist)
It is highly recommended to rely on the hydrometer readings, rather than the days specified in order to
properly follow the fermentation's progress.
NOTE: Your kit may contain a pre-measured packet of oaking material or a bottle of sweetening conditioner. For best
results, add the oak to the carboy during secondary fermentation. Incorporated at this stage, the alcohol level favors better
extraction. To avoid any spilling-over, add the oak to the empty carboy first, then rack the wine over the oak. Leave for
approximately one week, gently stirring the wine daily to re-suspend the oak.
(For the conditioner, see note on the bottom of this page)
When the gravity is 1,020 or less, (approximately day 6),complete a first racking by siphoning the wine
including the sediments
into a clean, sterile carboy. If gravity is still high,
allow a few extra days to complete
the primary. Check that the temperature is in the 21°-24oC / 70°-76 oF range.
Install an airlock; use your standard solution of potassium metabisulfite to fill the airlock.
On day 12 take another hydrometer reading to ensure that your fermentation is progressing well. Day 20,
make sure the fermentation is complete.
Note :
The fermentation is complete when the hydrometer reads
0,995 or less, and when no more bubbles go through the air lock. Complete a second racking by again
siphoning to a clean, sterile carboy. Avoid siphoning the sediment.
In approximately 60 ml (¼ cup) of water, stir in contents of the small pouch marked Metabisulfite , until fully dissolved. Add to the wine and stir.
In approximately 60 ml (¼ cup) of water, stir in contents of the small pouch marked Potassium Sorbate , until fully dissolved. Add to the wine
and stir. Note: Any young wine will contain a lot of carbonic gas (small bubbles). Stir the wine vigorously at least 4 times within the next 24 hours
to remove as much gas as possible, before
you add the clarifier. After a 24 hour degassing, add in the pouch marked siligel
and stir well, then
add in the pouch marked liquigel
and stir well (clarifiers). Make sure the carboy is full to within 5 cm (2 inches) from the top. If you need to topup,
it is preferable to add finished wine (of your own previous production or store-bought; avoid diluting with water).
Day 28, make sure
the wine is clear and taste it. (See Note on the bottom of this page)
Rack your wine again
(to remove clear wine from sediment). If your kit includes a bottle of wine conditioner, add now as per
instructions. (See Note on the bottom of this page)
The wine being very young at this stage, we recommend a carboy resting time of 6 to 8 weeks prior to bottling.
This will allow the finished wine to establish itself and achieve greater complexity.
in order to obtain a bright finish and fully degas the wine.
Bottle. Make sure your bottles are clean and sterilized. Use new corks only.
Note; If the wine is too dry to your taste, you may add a specially prepared sweetener, such as the wine conditioner C.C., which enhances aroma and bouquet,
available from your home-wine store. Consult with your home-wine Specialist as to its use and dosage. If your kit contains a bottle identified with C.C., pour about
half and mix thoroughly. Then add gradually until you find your taste preference.
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Edited by: masta