Mosti Mondiale MM Master's Granbarolo ---Progress

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Jan 30, 2009
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About a week ago weracked our MM Master's Barolo into a 5 gal. carboy and 1 gal.jug for a short bit of bulk aging. Plan to bottlein a week or so.

In short, so far, the taste of this wine is stunning. In this last racking, we transferred what we thought was the most yucky liquid with lees,bottom of the carboy,into a 750 ml bottle and put an airlock on it for some 5 days. Put it in the refrigerator for a while, after whichI decanted about 4 oz. as carefully asI could off of the lees into a glass. Thought it would be terrible.

Well, it was as good as anything that I have ever had the privilege of drinking! While I describe my palate as Texas redneck, used to Lone Star and Shiner beer, I have had a few high end wines here and there, including big name Bordeaux's and the like.

Based on this, my purchase plan for future wine kits will include a lot of this! After about a year of aging, I bet it will be good.

zehnmm said:
About a week ago weracked our MM Master's Barolo into a 5 gal. carboy and 1 gal.jug for a short bit of bulk aging. Plan to bottlein a week or so.

In short, so far, the taste of this wine is stunning. In this last racking, we transferred what we thought was the most yucky liquid with lees,bottom of the carboy,into a 750 ml bottle and put an airlock on it for some 5 days. Put it in the refrigerator for a while, after whichI decanted about 4 oz. as carefully asI could off of the lees into a glass. Thought it would be terrible.

Well, it was as good as anything that I have ever had the privilege of drinking! While I describe my palate as Texas redneck, used to Lone Star and Shiner beer, I have had a few high end wines here and there, including big name Bordeaux's and the like.

Based on this, my purchase plan for future wine kits will include a lot of this! After about a year of aging, I bet it will be good.


When did you start theis Barolo?
Seems like you just racked. Is this still in the secondary? Borolo should bulk age for a while.
We started primary fermentation on March 9, which is about 4 weeks ago. Have followed the instructions exactly. We are beyond stage 4 in the MM instructions whereafterthe wine cleared, on 3/30, we transferred to the 5 gal. carboy and 1 gal. jug. We are at stage 5, where they advise usto put in thepotassium sorbate and bottle.

Our plan is to filter and bottle in about a week. That meansour "bulk aging"will be relatively short,or about 16 days. Willlet age in bottles for a year or more.

Like others have posted the big question isdo we have the discipline to open some bottles before a year?

We will see!
If you do not need the carboy right now I would age it in the carboy till you need it. Bulk age is better that bottle age. This gives the wine more room to "mingle" the flavors.
And it will keep you out of it as well. Bottle the gallon jug in 375s, that way you can taste it once in a while.
vcasey said:
And it will keep you out of it as well. Bottle the gallon jug in 375s, that way you can taste it once in a while.

Great idea! Thanks for the tip!
tepe said:
If you do not need the carboy right now I would age it in the carboy till you need it. Bulk age is better that bottle age. This gives the wine more room to "mingle" the flavors.

I do not wish to start a range war, and I most certainly respect your advice, but my research as a newbie reveals that there are legitimate differences of opinion as to the benefits of bulk aging in a carboy versus bottling.

I have spent quite a few hours researching this topic. FYI, I bulk aged a WE Cab for about 45 days with some oak, so I will not label myself as either for or against the issue. As a matter of fact, I believe that bulk aging for some time will be of benefit.

Some examples of the dialogue of pros and cons are from another popular wine discussion forum. Within this topic, Mr. Vandergrift of WE states that he believes there is no benefit of carboy bulk aging overbottle aging.

If you go to that site and put in "bulk aging" in the search function, you will get as many results as you can possibly read. My research, plus talking with other kit winemakers that I know in my area, indicates a divided opinion.

Additionally, as many of the posts on the forums state: it is important to put in 1/4 tsp of k-met about every 3 months if carboy aging. I also read one post where the writer opined that one should not bulk age in a carboy for more than 50 days because the oxygen leakage in a bung with airlock is enough to offset benefits.

I am not taking my time out to get into an argument, but simply to share what I have found.

Finally, I should like to say that I plan to do some bulk aging in carboys, but not for longer than about 2 months. This will be particularly true for me should I choose to oak above and beyond what the kit calls for.

Thanks for sharing your views.
It seems to me that there have beenat least threereasons put forward to favor bulk aging:

1.) The larger volume of liquid reacts more slowly to changing temperatures. (If you have a temperature controlled storage area, that is moot.)
2.) The larger volume enables a more even aging across all the wine as opposed to bottle by bottle resulting in less variation from bottle to bottle.
3.) Keeping it in bulk storage keeps us from tasting wine before it is time.

Those reasons seem quite valid to me. Just my 2 cents.
Zehnmm you are unlikely to start a range war here. These are friendly people offering their wisdom from years of making wine. We respect your opinions as long as you respect others. There are as many ways to make wine correctly as their are bottles of good wine out there. If you wine turns out fine, then that's the way for you to make it. If you want to push the envelope with new ideas, then it is your wine to do with as you wish.

Like you say, some bulk age in glass, some don't. Many reasons to do it either way. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy your wine.
admiral said:
tepe said:
I like #3 BEST !

Me too!
But right now, I want some wine and most of mine is...bulk aging!
to hear you are so low. Ask Vince what my wine cellar looks like
. He stopped by last night to drop off some carboys. I gave him a tour of whats fermenting, aging and bottled. Oh yea we lifted a few glasses.

How much you have aging and when can you bottle?
appleman said:
Zehnmm you are unlikely to start a range war here. These are friendly people offering their wisdom from years of making wine. We respect your opinions as long as you respect others. There are as many ways to make wine correctly as their are bottles of good wine out there. If you wine turns out fine, then that's the way for you to make it. If you want to push the envelope with new ideas, then it is your wine to do with as you wish.

Like you say, some bulk age in glass, some don't. Many reasons to do it either way. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy your wine.
Appleman: Well stated.

Best Regards.
tepe said:
admiral said:
tepe said:
I like #3 BEST !

Me too!
But right now, I want some wine and most of mine is...bulk aging!
to hear you are so low. Ask Vince what my wine cellar looks like
. He stopped by last night to drop off some carboys. I gave him a tour of whats fermenting, aging and bottled. Oh yea we lifted a few glasses.

How much you have aging and when can you bottle?

Right now, here is the list:

1 gal. apple wine. Bottle next week.
1 gal. JAO racked and clearing. (slowly)
6 gal MM AJ Pinot Noir bulk aging. Bottle in October.
6 gal VN Chardonnay bulk aging. Bottle at the end of April.
6 gal RJS Grand Cru Chardonnay bulk aging. Bottle at the end of April.
6 gal VN Barolo bulk aging. Bottle at the end of May.
6 gal VN Cabernet Sauvignon clearing. Bottle the first of May.
6 gal VN Zinfandel clearing. Bottle the first of May.
3 gal RJS Orange Chocolate Port bulk aging. Bottle in October.
30 bottles IM Strawberry White Merlot (bottled 2 weeks ago)
30 bottles VN Sauvignon Blanc (bottled this past Wednesday)

So, there is a bunch in the works but not quite ready. (However, I did try a 375 ml of the Sauvignon Blanc last night. It was pretty good although still rough with a slight hint of Kmet (I think from the cork))

Oh, and a MM AllJuice Amarone on the way!
So whats on the radar? Any Chilean Juice or fruit coming up?
Well, the Amarone as noted above. I am thinking of trying a Chilean. Do you have a recommendation? I want to try fresh fruit strawberries when the come in this June. I am saving up to buy a juicer.
Malbec, Carmemere or Red Zinfandel Is a start
Well, I am familiar with the malbec so maybe that would be a good place to start. Do you have a producer in mind?