MLF bacteria storage question

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Senior Member
Nov 30, 2009
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I bought some VP-41 MLF bacteria for this fall's reds. It says it's good for 66 gallons, and I only have 12 gallons, so I'd like to keep it for some spring stuff and maybe even next fall. I'd say I used a little more than I needed in each carboy, but I have plenty left over.

So, is it safe to store in the refrigerator for that long? Is there a better way?
Yes but,once the pkg is opened you have a chance of contamination.
Yes but,once the pkg is opened you have a chance of contamination.

Tom is correct that you may have a chance of saving it but my guess is the odds are slim. I personally would not save it and then go through all the motions in the spring and hope it works only to find out it was no good. I understand why you bought the larger package rather than a single carboy one as it's a lot cheaper.

There are other folks on here that may have succesfully saved it and I would be interested in seeing what they have to say. This MLF culture is very delicate.
VP-41 is what I use when I do at least 9-10 pails. For 12 gal I wood have used the 1 use pkg. for 6 gal.
Normally I'd buy the single use packets myself, but all of my regular places, and several others I looked, were out of stock this year. I usually grab a package of lalvin bacchus for each one.

I did not see any VP-41 single use packets, only this one.

Lesson learned, should I just toss the rest or put more in the wine I innoculated last night? I folded the package and put it in a ziploc before putting it in the refrigerator?
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