Mezza Luna Red Bulk aging - how long?

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Jan 4, 2015
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I have a Mezza Luna red that I have been Bulk aging for 4 months. When should I start bottling? Should I add 1/4 tsp of kmeta and mix before bottling? Thanks.
I have a Mezza Luna red that I have been Bulk aging for 4 months. When should I start bottling? Should I add 1/4 tsp of kmeta and mix before bottling? Thanks.

That's entirely up to you. I usually bottle mine after 3-4 months. I also always add a 1/4 of kmeta before bottling.
I tasted and it had some co2 still. I wine whipped for a good 10 mins and degasses with a pump for at least another 10 mins. I could still feel the co2 for some reason so I reracked and am letting it sit for a while longer. Any thoughts on this? It's been Bulk aging for 4 months and I did a lot of degassing so not sure why I am still feeling co2??
What is the temperature of the environment that the carboy is located in? I have a few of mine in our basement at about 67*F and they hold onto the CO2 like....I had better not go there. Needless to say, I move them upstairs into a mid 70's environment and they degass much better up there.