Male/female ?

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Junior Member
Oct 23, 2014
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Done a lot of reading but still confused, planting vines this year and wonder do I need to do male/female to get production.?
Found a link that didn't work that said it showed the difference . If either can be used what are their roles? Read a post about self pollinating , confused for sure now, any help welcomed.
It completely depends on the grape variety. Many varieties are "complete" and are able to pollinate themselves. They have complete flowers that have both male and female parts. Some varieties are separate male and female vines. If your varieties are gendered in this way, you need to intersperse some pollinating rows (another variety - complete is fine, or male vines) every so often throughout your vineyard.

Ask the nursery where you are buying your vines for more information and assistance.
Unless you are growing muscadine grapes which are either or sex, then NORMALLY there is no need to worry. Only a few varieties are all female, such as St Pepin, a cold climate variety. If they are all female, the supplier should let you know that (in their catalog or online). Like Greg said all you need to do is plant another variety somewhat near the all female to get pollination. Don't fret over this, I get great pollination on St Pepin even with pollinator vines 50 feet away.
I'm in tennessee, as a noob to planting when do they prune in the local areas, I have a couple sources that agree to let me have some cuttings off their plants but not sure when they are going to clip.thanks

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