Make me a red lover

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Junior Member
Jul 14, 2015
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I've never met a red that I like. That isn't saying much as I've only tried a few. Merlot and Cab is what I remember and they were just standard bar wines. I tend to like a little sweetness to my taste. Obviously, I don't really know how to enjoy it and pick out different flavors in it. So, your challenge is to make me love a red.
Try a Beaojolais or Gamay wine it's a lighter bodied wine and buy a medium cost wine remember you get what you pay for:ib
I would also add that you give Pinot Noir a try.

Another thing to try is to go winery hopping. This is the best way to taste a variety of different wines.
You should certainly try all of the suggestions above, but remember, above all else, it's your taste that matters. It may be that you develop a taste for red, or perhaps a higher appreciation by doing some winery hopping, but in the end, it's your taste, and no one can make you like it.

I've never developed a taste for scotch, tried all of the ones my scotch drinking buddies offer, just don't like the stuff. That may be you with reds.

Make some reds and keep em on hand for folks who prefer red, but make a lot of whatever you enjoy!!!
Probably going to catch heck for this, but if the wine is not sweet enough for you, add a little sugar to your glass. Everybodys tastes are different. Your tastes may change as time goes on so you can vary the amount of sweetness. Give it a try, let us know how it tastes then. (Start with a little sugar and taste, if you need it add a bit more and taste til you get it where you like it.) Arne.
I agree with Arne , if you like sweet wine make it sweeter . Also think about pairing your wine with food . Try pizza ,beef , cheese or dark chocolate . Don't brush your teeth before tasting . :b
Sangiovese is a red, or blush, wine with nice berry flavor that you might enjoy.
I've never met a red that I like. That isn't saying much as I've only tried a few. Merlot and Cab is what I remember and they were just standard bar wines. I tend to like a little sweetness to my taste. Obviously, I don't really know how to enjoy it and pick out different flavors in it. So, your challenge is to make me love a red.

I started out liking sweet whites like reisling and moscato.

Then I made the big jump to that delightful Olive Garden favorite of Lambrusco, which is a sweet and fruity red served chilled. You might start with something like that. Or you could approximate it by adding sugar to another red like previous suggestions.

Another option for reds would be the Island Mist types which can be made sweet like a Blackberry Merlot or something similar.

Another option would be dragon's blood which is a blush.

Over time, my tastes have changed to a dry red with lots of oak and tannin. So that is what I make. :)
I had to chuckle at myself. When I read the title of the thread, I read 'Make me a red HOT lover'. I thought, you have very high expectations of this group!
Lol!!! What some funny answers. No options for wine tastings in Mississippi. Not looking for a red headed female. Lol. Dragon Blood definitely interests me, I've read the recipe a lot. Liquor stores should carry one-ers. An assortment of one drink bottles. Pinot Noir...Peanut of the night! That commercial cracks me up! Thanks to all of you! I will let ya know if I cross over.
Agree with that recommendation. Apothic Red is another. Both have some sweetness to them, but are big, juicy reds.

@jgmann gave me a bottle of his WE Enigma kit, had a bit of residual sweetness which makes it more approachable to people who don't prefer dry reds. I think it was created to come close to the Apothic Red you can buy commercially.
Speaking of Apothic Red or Apothic Dark, does anyone have recommendations if I want to make something like that? I've really been digging both of those lately.
Speaking of Apothic Red or Apothic Dark, does anyone have recommendations if I want to make something like that? I've really been digging both of those lately.

Peter Mills will tell you - Make the Enigma and do it by the numbers. If you tweak it (like I did), it will be less sweet, fuller-bodied and oakier than it was otherwise intended.
Yanks, not one person brought this one up, but you say you like it sweet, and want it red? Port. Start with a tawny, that's more of a raisin flavor. Go with a late bottled vintage. That's more of a wine flavor. Or go with a vintage, where it is a wine flavor with a little extra junk in the trunk. All are sweet all are red but you can't really drink it like wine unless you have a designated driver. Sandeman tawny is a great place to start. Just my opinion on a tangent of sweeter reds.