Lemon-Lime Skeeter Pee

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Just bottled my lemon-lime Skeeter Pee and HOLY GUACAMOLE this stuff is good. It's hard not to chug it. Even my wife (who doesn't like anything I make) said it was good and that she could drink a lot of it. Planning to take a couple of magnums for consuming on the beach this week.
I made a 3/4 lemon, 1/4 lime batch, I didn't care much for it... until I backsweetened with 2:1 sugar:lemon juice. Now it's great. My hubby, who hates wine, really likes it.
One 1.5 magnum drank on the beach over about 2 hours.
Reminds me of a Jimmy Buffet song ...

I'm making this again.
That batch I just bottled last night was six 750 mL bottles, and 7 32 ounce mason jars. I am down to one bottle and three mason jars, and I expect the rest of it to go this weekend. Sheesh!
What about makimg a simple syrup with Lime juice and sugar added to lemon skeete pee, think the lime would be detectable? Are there any problem with adding juice after stabilized?
What about makimg a simple syrup with Lime juice and sugar added to lemon skeete pee, think the lime would be detectable? Are there any problem with adding juice after stabilized?

I may be wrong but if you added sorbate, I don't see why there would be any problem.
I add juice at the same time that I stabilize, though I usually add some extra lemon juice, the lime going in during fermentation. I do one cup lemon juice to 2 cups sugar and make a syrup out of it. If you add extra juice post clearing, you'll have to wait on it to clear again. Since Skeeter pee isn't really known for being made by very patient wine makers, I suggest just doing all the steps all at the same time (kmeta, sorbate, sweetening, degassing, sparkolloid). :D
Only 7 bottles remain of my most recent batch of Lon's original recipe.
Going to the store tonight for more lemon and lime juice.
The wife likes the original best, so I have to make a batch just from her.
Good Day Everyone,

I believe that I have read most of the post in this thread and I was wondering. Does or have any of you make a lemon lime wine from raw fruit. Does anyone have a recipe for a wine using the actual fruit instead of juices from concentrate. I am about to start a wine using the fruit and I was hoping for some help. I am looking for something a little more 7-Up or Sprite tasting as oppose to lemonade tasting.

I have 17 pounds of lemons coming in and 10 pounds of limes. I am hoping to puree this all down to use in my must. After taking the acid level I have a calculating app that will tell me how much sugar and water I need to add to get around and SG of 1.100. I also plan on making this a sparkling wine and have so sweetness to it.

Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks Hallie
Just bottled my lemon-lime Skeeter Pee and HOLY GUACAMOLE this stuff is good. It's hard not to chug it. Even my wife (who doesn't like anything I make) said it was good and that she could drink a lot of it. Planning to take a couple of magnums for consuming on the beach this week.
Lemon Lime Skeeter Pee sounds wonderful! I need to start a batch as soon as the Pina Colada Mist kit is racked to a carboy. I definitely need more primaries LOL.
Good Day Everyone,

I believe that I have read most of the post in this thread and I was wondering. Does or have any of you make a lemon lime wine from raw fruit. Does anyone have a recipe for a wine using the actual fruit instead of juices from concentrate. I am about to start a wine using the fruit and I was hoping for some help. I am looking for something a little more 7-Up or Sprite tasting as oppose to lemonade tasting.

I have 17 pounds of lemons coming in and 10 pounds of limes. I am hoping to puree this all down to use in my must. After taking the acid level I have a calculating app that will tell me how much sugar and water I need to add to get around and SG of 1.100. I also plan on making this a sparkling wine and have so sweetness to it.

Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks Hallie
Interesting idea. I chunked up 8 Meyers lemons in mine, the whole damned things. Fished them out after about 4 days so the pith would not turn the must bitter. I used OA23 x 2. I'm going to add some cherry juice to a gallon to see if I can make cherry-lemonade.