Kit Directions: Who writes them?

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Junior Member
Jan 3, 2013
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I just started my 10th and 11th Kit. I must say there is a huge difference in the way the directions are written. Most are fairly straight forward and easy to read, but some... geeeez, you have to read through them 4 times and 3 steps ahead to follow them... and I was SOBER.

These companies really should take some newbies and test out these directions and clear them up.
LOL, after you make a kit or two, it will be much easier, just be advised there are some significant differences between manufacturers, once will ask you to rack off the less before adding meta and sorbate and the fining agents, while the other will tell you that you need to stir up the lees real well and transfer it as well or the fining agents will not work.
Read them, and re read them, better safe than sorry!
Tom, John has done 10 or 11 kits. He is just pointing out the obvious, all the kit companies instructions are a bit different and some are forever unclear.

John, those unclear instructions is one of the reasons this forum is here and always busy. Tom and others are always glad to help. Good folks!
"These companies really should take some newbies and test out these directions and clear them up."

Your comment reminds me of something I read about Napoleon Bonaparte many years ago. I found a reference to it on the internet:

"Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the best when it came to communication. Napoleon simply had a guy they called his idiot. Napoleon would write a letter and ask if the idiot understood it. If the so called idiot couldn’t understand it then he would rewrite it till the idiot did understand the letter. If the idiot could understand then anyone on the battlefield could understand."

Simple and effective. I hasten to point out that I am not calling anyone an "idiot" and I am supporting the idea put forth.
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For sure, the instructions of various kit manufacturers vary in their clarity.

One of the largest companies is Winexpert and those instructions are written by Tim Vandergrift, a regular contributor to Winemakers Magazine. He also participates occasionally on this and similar forums. He says he works hard to make the directions clear and I have no complaints about them.

If a company cannot provide reasonably clear instructions you have to wonder about the quality of its product or its commitment to customer service.
