k-meta before bottling

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Dec 26, 2009
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i watched one of geoges videos last night and it said to add 1/4 tbsp k-meta before bottling. is this for all wines, or just that paticular kit? im getting ready to bottle a pear and ive added k-meta earlier, and im getting ready to bottle a summer breeze kit, and the k-meta was also added earlier according to instuction sheet. does the extra k-meta need to be there for some reason? please clarify as im bottling both on sunday. thanks in advance.
The normal dose of k-meta supplied with the kit is meant to be enough if you follow directions explicitly and bottle early. If you want to bulk age at all or even keep the wine more than a year or two, then you get extra protection from the extra k-meta.
thanks for the carification. im new to wine making and seem to have a lot of questions. i doubt if the wine will last longer than a year, but id like to save a few bottles back. therefore, i think ill add the extra k-meta.
You have wrote down a 1/4 tbsp I hope you meant a 1/4 tsp. as the later is the correct dose

sorry, i never measued things before, ust a dash of this type of cook, but you are correct its tsp for teaspoon, thanks.

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