Juice Pail Question

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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2011
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My Chilean Sauvignon Blanc finished primary fermentation, added K-meta and it's starting to slowly clear. It will probably be in the carboy at least 6 months, do I need to add Pot Sorbate to the carboy?


Only add the sorbate if you are planning on backsweetening and I won't add it until you are ready to backsweeten.
Only add the sorbate if you are planning on backsweetening and I won't add it until you are ready to backsweeten.

All of us here say the same but I wonder why my Chilean Malbec kit came with kmeta and sorbate packages to be added?
All of us here say the same but I wonder why my Chilean Malbec kit came with kmeta and sorbate packages to be added?

Are you adding any type of flavor pack after fermentation? I don't do kits so I am not sure of the reason other than they gave you an f-pac to add
My Argentinean Malbec kit also came with sorbate and no f-pack. I think it is just kit makers insurance. They are targeting a wide audience with varying experience and not everyone follows the instructions all the time. The use of sorbate, imo, is to protect that small population that does not wait for fermentation to complete fully. Kit makers are incented on getting you into bottles so you will have empty carboys to fill with more kit sales. That is just my theory, but I can't think of another plausible reason for sorbate in a dry kit.

My Malbec is bulk aging on the Hungarian cubes and I did not add the sorbate, and don't intend to. I did add the K meta though as that protects the wine whether sweet or dry.
mine didn't bring f-pack either....put both kmeta and sorbate per instructions.
Kit wines contain sorbate due to the fact that fermentation can restart and can cause the bottle to explode. I agree with Fab, it is the Kit manufacturers insurance policy.