I had a dream last night!

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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I was at work and I had an open bottle of raspberry wine I was carrying around and swigging from as I talked to people!
I didn't think there was anything wrong with that until someone asked me if I felt guilty for drinking on the job. That was when it turned into a 1500 ml bottle! I tried to hide it but before I knew it, the bottle turned into a 6 gallon carboy and I couldn't fit it under my coat. I woke up with a terrible headache!

And before you ask, NO, I had no alcohol of any kind last night!

I do know where that dream came from tho...I just started 6 1/2 gallons of fresh strawberry last night. The wine in my dream tasted like my strawberry juice...not raspberry wine!!

I just hope no one told the boss!
Now Joan, you are truly getting bad when you start dreaming about things like that.

Did you have a carboy straw while you carried around that baby? Maybe a racking cane and tube......
LOL No, but when the bottle turned into a carboy, I knew I was in serious trouble as they are neither easy to hid nor disguise!
You could claim you are there testing the water cooler. That is colored dye in the water jug so you can check for adequate dispesion during dispensing. It would need to be in the teacher's lounge though and not the students cooler!
Joan, what a crazy dream!!! Funny as heck. Maybe you are a wine pschyic (sp). hahahaha
Lucky you woke up soon enough before it turned into a 50 gallon oak barrel.
Just hope you don't go to work on Monday,and have the boss ask you, "Why were you punched in for 2 hours on Saturday night?" ..........
... somebody que the Twilight Zone Music .....