hops growing setup

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Senior Member
May 26, 2012
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I'm looking to grow some hops this season and I'm looking ahead to plan my growing. Problem is I can't plant in the yard because I rent my house. So my idea is to grow in a 55 gal barrel. I could buy premium soil and mulch and what not for it this way as well if needed. Its my first time so let me know if I'm goin about anything wrong. I can then put a 20 foot 2x4 in the barrel for the plant to grow around. Anything wrong with this idea or does anyone have any other ideas they could throw my way?

Also any advice is greatly appreciated!
Do a few Google searches on Growing Hops indoors, very interesting reading, not too many successful indoor stories.
I wish you great success.
i forgot to mention that i would be keeping the barrel outside. so the main thing im worried about is space for the roots to grow being restricted to a 55gal barrel. Is this enough space?

my google searches have told me that a 55gal barrel cut in half to make 2 pots will work for the first year and be acceptable for the second year as well... but if i use a whole 55 gal barrel will the plant be good for a few years after that even?

if it wont could i just dig up the roots after year 3 and replant a rhyzome snipped from my own plants roots and start the grow over, or is this a bad idea?

like i said, im completely new to growing hops so i dont really know what im talking about here. lol
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There is some really detailed info on growing hops, a quick search of "growing hops" gave me dozens of links
There is some really detailed info on growing hops, a quick search of "growing hops" gave me dozens of links

I found alot of info on growing in general but I've tried searching google for info on growing them in a pot or barrel but I can't fine anything about growing them in a barrel this big. I've only found stuff on growing them in like 4 gal pots and they say not to. But im wondering if I'll be ok with a barrel this large
From what I've read, the roots spread fast, they didn't mention if they go down deep, that would indicate a need for a deep barrel such a 55 gallon drum, if the roots are the type that spread fast and shallow, which is my understanding, then a very large area is need and much attention to watering will be necessary, not to mention that they are vines that will get very heavy when they form cones.
A high organic soil that retains just enough moisture to keep the plant happy while being able to drain enough not to pool and cause rotting or soil borne pathogens was recommended on several sites.
A well balanced fertilizing program will be necessary as well.

Here is a decent article http://www.byo.com/component/resource/article/1926-growing-hops-in-containers
Thanks, thats a good link. I'm trying to think of something now that would work better than a barrel so they have more horizontal space and less depth. I could get one of those plastic kiddy pools but they might be to shallow... Hmmm...