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Jan 20, 2012
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Hi, I'm new to wine making. Started this January after years of tasting my father in laws and figured I better give it a go. I'm 29 with a new family so I'm home a lot now, perfect for wine making, and I'm a bit of a "do it tomorrower" again perfect for wine making.

I have a few 5 & 6 gal carboys and a few 1 gal for mixing or whatever. My All in one should be here tomorrow, I have a couple hydrometers and racking stuff. I plan to do country wines and maybe another kit here and there so I think Im set for equipment for the moment but always open for ideas.

My first batch was a Islands Mist black raspberry merlot, bottled Feb 23 I got 30 and down to 13 tonight. I have a batch of Skeeter Pee from new yeast thats ready to be bottled and it taste better then expected, so thanks for the great recipe.

I'm into to trying stuff and I'm building a nice size wine room so I'll be around and probably asking some weird questions. thanks for all the great advise so far and the future wealth of info.
Bottled 30 on Feb 23 and now done to 13!

Wow, I would say if you drink it that fast, you better get busy!!!
Just kidding. Welcome to the forum.

Those summer wines (Island Mist and others) are really fun wines to make. Ready almost immediately after they clear; sweet, and fun. I make several each year mainly for the summer time.

Sounds like yo have the equipment you need to get going. Carboys tend to multiply, though. I'll bet you will have over 10 more carboys this time next year.

Enjoy your new hobby; have fun!
Great, 3 posts and youve already got the All in One!! Wish I started like that!
Only because of this forum. I asked my local shop about a machine or hoist or whatever it took to not lift full carboys and dude said "Your SOL" So I spent money on a mini jet (that is still unused) only to find out a few days later about this magic device called the All in One Wine Pump, don't worry I'll show him.
I think I have found a way to stop the multiplying. Instead of using Potassium Sulfite in them, I use Potassium Nitrate in the male carboys. That seems to have reduced the problem considerably (although I do have 2 six gallons on the way). :)
I think I have found a way to stop the multiplying. Instead of using Potassium Sulfite in them, I use Potassium Nitrate in the male carboys. That seems to have reduced the problem considerably (although I do have 2 six gallons on the way). :)

Hey, I would patent that!!! :sm
I think I have found a way to stop the multiplying. Instead of using Potassium Sulfite in them, I use Potassium Nitrate in the male carboys. That seems to have reduced the problem considerably (although I do have 2 six gallons on the way). :)

Good one!:)