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Nov 4, 2012
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I was just visiting and have decided to stay. Been making for 2 years now and cant keep ahead. Ugh. I have not made any kits just country fruit and grape. GOt all the stuff to make my first batch of 3B skeeter pee tomorrow as it is my day off. looking forwrad to this as you all rave about it.

Made in 2011 - Elderberry 5 gal, Wild grape 10 gal

Made in 2012 - Elderberry 5 gal, King of the North grape 3 gal, Delaware grape 6 gal (White Revolution), Apple Cranberry 5 gal (Braeburn's Bog), Strawberry Rhubarb 3 gal Need to bottle some of this in the next few months but since I have a couple carboys empty...

Started so far in 2013 - pear 1 gal, King of the North grape 3 gal.

We have almost 2 acres just outside Madison Wisconsin. Last year planted apple trees, pear tree, several grape vines(more this year), 20x30 patch of strawberries, 20x 30 patch of red raspberries and in the spring we have permission to move blackberries from the inlaws farm in Iowa.

I was addicted before I found all of you, now I am obsessed. Thanks.
LOL, sounds like you are on the way to a nice wine garden. Welcome to the addiction.
Well welcome and good luck with all of your planting. Sounds like you'll be keeping busy.
Welcome aboard! I thought this was going to be a hobby before I found Winemakingtalk too...lol...now I can't help myself but to think..."can I ferment that?"
Whats a lonesomechicken doing out on a cold night like tonight? Around here they would call it soup! LOL

Welcome aboard. Looking for to seeing more of you.
Welcome to WMT. Wish I had some land to plant some fruits and vines. Enjoy the obsession. Bakervinyard
Hello Lonesomechicken, welcome to winemakingtalk.com You will find very nice people here. You live in a great state, the home of my all time favorite beer, New Glarus Moon Man! I have friends in Eau Claire and Wausau and when ever we meet up Moon Man is exchanged for some good Pennsylvania wines!
Thanks all. The name Lonesomechicken Orchard comes from the lone chicken that was left in the coop after the raccoon took what he wanted. Still got the old bird with her now are a few new friends. They help with the weeding. In return I get fertilizer, eggs and a laugh. The kids like them to.