Help with an anniversary label

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Sep 17, 2012
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I need some advice. I am making a wine label for a one year anniversary gift. On the Label I'm putting "Happy One Year Anniversary Nick and Melissa" and then I want to put their wedding date on it also. Should I put the year of their anniversary such as Nov 2, 2013 or the year they got married Nov 2, 2012.
Not what you asked but have you considered designing a label around one of their wedding pictures? I use a label template I built that allows for a picture/image to be placed in the approximate middle. I select a picture or image that personalizes the label to the individual I'm gifting.

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Bkisel Thank you for the suggestion. I actually am designing the label around a wedding photo on picmonkey! I will post a photo when it is on the bottle
I would design a medieval/old school type design and title it Chateau de *insert couple's last name*
or "House of *last name*" (or something equally pretentious sounding). Underneath that I would have est or established, and their actual wedding date.

Makes it seem classy and personalized.