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Sep 12, 2010
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I've tried reading the various charts for measuring alcohol, and I'm getting a headache. My last reading on my hydrometer is .0996 SG. How do I figure approx what percentage that is in alcohol? The fermintation is complete (no more bubbling through the airlock).
You need to know what your SG was prior to fermentation. There is a couple deferent formulas/methods for determinining your ABV.

You need to know both the starting SG and the finishing Sg before doing the math
You need to know what your SG was prior to fermentation. There is a couple deferent formulas/methods for determinining your ABV.

You need to know both the starting SG and the finishing Sg before doing the math

Yes you need a hydrometer to take a before and after specific gravity reading. That will allow you to in a split second know your ABV.

In lieu of that you can use a vinometer but those are easy to use but many have had trouble with them.
vinometer is useless and cant be used on all wines (reds,blush,whites) It gives a false reading
There is a way when you do not have thye starting SG.

Take a sample of your wine and measure SG.

Now boil down the sample to half the volume, then you will
know for sure that all alcohol has vevaporated.
Now filll the volume up to the original volume with plain tap water
or preferably distilled water.
Now you have the volume of the wine sample without any alcohol.

Now measure SG again.

Then surf to:

Go to the alcohol tab and look for the BOILING OFF METHOD.
Fill in initial value and end value and you know where the alcohol is at.

This is what i use to calculate abv.

1.074 - 0.992 = 0.082
1.052 - 1.032 = 0.020

SG Movement: 0.102

(Starting SG - Finished SG) * 131.8 = %ABV
(Starting SG - Finished SG) / .735 = %ABV

Depending on the formula you use, basically substitute the 0.102 for the part of the equation in ( ) and calculate

1 - 13.44
2 - 13.87