Hello from Minnesota

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Nov 29, 2010
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Hi All of You,

Bob is my name and just got into trying to make some wine. I have had some rhubarb in the freezer and decided to make that my first attempt. It just got into my primary today and have added the sugar & crushed camden tablet. Seems like brix might be high (25), but will check again tomorrow.

I'm sure this is going to create more questions tham answers for me, so I may be a pest for a bit.

Thanks in Advance :sn

Hi Bob,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. Don't worry about asking questions, ask as many as you want you won't be a pest. Actually no one here is really a pest unless you count runningwolf, he can be a little pesty sometimes, :)
Welcome and ask any questions you may have. lots of people on here with lots of answers..
Welcome Bob, as you can we have some fun here while making plenty of wine and beer also. Glad to have you aboard. Can you post the recipe you are using on the Rhubarb?
Bob - welcome. I'm a fellow Minnesotan as well. Good to hear someone up here is still fermenting something. I usually slow down in the winter due to the cold in my basement. There are some great wine supply stores here in the twin cities. I think there is one up in Spring lake park, but I've never been there. Northern Brewer is on Grand ave in St. Paul, and Midwest supplies is in St. Louis Park. Both are great stores and excellent prices.

You will like this forum best. Nice people.
Welcome aboard!! As you might have seen - this is not only a place to gain wine/beer making knowledge but also to have a little fun in the process..