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Sep 9, 2010
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Hi all,
I have developed a new addiction! Wine making LOL. I had a friend give me some muscadines a couple weeks ago and a $200 later I have a 5 gallon muscadine, 7 gallons of scuppernog and 2 gallons of peach brewing.

This forum is wondeful and full of great advice.

Thanks all,

Hi lisade

I so envy you with the muscadine. That is a very good wine. Glad you found your way here.
welcome lisade!
this is a great community as we all share a common interest!
Hey Lisade, welcome to the forum. Please feel free to ask questions any time. Start looking for bargains on Craig's list and such for carboys because the way you're going you'll need them. We have some great sponsors so be sure to check them out also.
Yeah your hobby will exapnd exponentionally.
I started with one 6 gallon carboy and now I have capacity for over 100 gallons of wine in various stages...
Welcome to the forum. This will sound silly to a lot of you but what is a muscadine? I live almost in the center of the U.S. and never heard of em til I started reading along on this site. lol {Figure it is a fruit and grows down south. Maybe I'll trade some of them there muscadines for some of our winter weather. lol} Again, welcome. Arne.
Welcome to the forum. This will sound silly to a lot of you but what is a muscadine? I live almost in the center of the U.S. and never heard of em til I started reading along on this site. lol {Figure it is a fruit and grows down south. Maybe I'll trade some of them there muscadines for some of our winter weather. lol} Again, welcome. Arne.

Hi Arne,

It is a grape and it makes an awesome wine. It doesn't take to snow very well so we in the snow belt can just drool.
Muscadine is a purple grape that is usually grown in the Southeastern US. It is a wonderful color and a sweet grape. My wine is a beautiful reddish purple color.
Lisa...Run! Run Now. Wine making is a great addiction. You start off small and before you know it it's carboys everywhere.

Welcome to the forum. Here we have a map to see where other wine and beer makers are. A wine tern dictionary. A great recipe section and a ton of info. Just browse and if you don't see your answer, ask away.

Glad you picked up the hobby.
Yeah your hobby will exapnd exponentionally.
I started with one 6 gallon carboy and now I have capacity for over 100 gallons of wine in various stages...

What he's trying to say is that carboys, like rabbits, tend to multiply. Leave them full for anytime at all and you'll find another carboy has come along... Only your local LHBS (and $45) can explain this mystery.

I started with one carboy and now have nine!

Welcome to the forum.
Hello to All

Haven’t made any wine in 30 years so I’ve about forgotten all I ever knew. Anyway I’m now retired and I had enough muscadines this year to try a 5 gallon batch. Primary finished today and it is now in the secondary process. Hopefully it will turn into something fit to drink later.

Hi Arne,

It is a grape and it makes an awesome wine. It doesn't take to snow very well so we in the snow belt can just drool.

Muscadine is a purple grape that is usually grown in the Southeastern US. It is a wonderful color and a sweet grape. My wine is a beautiful reddish purple color.

Thanks for the replys. If it was grown up here, I probably wouldn't know, have only used other fruits, never grapes. Even when you are old you get to learn something new. Thanks all.