hard cider

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Senior Member
Apr 20, 2007
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I started a batch of this 4 days ago. It seems the fermentation is slow. I'm trying not to be paranoid. I used the liquid yeast for cider. There are bubbles, but I'm used to a wine ferment that is a little more vigorous. Any thoughts?
All is well. The fermentation took off over night and the house smells yeasty and good. I was getting worried that perhaps a preservative had been added to the fresh cider and then not been listed on the label.
moto.....where the hell is your camera?
Waldo, I'm young but quite technologically challenged. I've had cell phones, but now I don't and I'm enjoying not being 'connected'.

I've had the digital camera for over a year now, and have yet to print a picture, much less learn how to post any.
Does anyone have a 5 year old to help me figure out my i-pod?
So many things I do so well, but things that come with USB cables and the like throw me for a loop. If I could throw some yeast on the i-pod and have my music come out life would be good.
So, perhaps over the winter when things slow down a bit ( does that ever happen? ) I will learn to master the digital camera and the i-pod.
But if anyone can loan me a 5 year old, this would all happen a lot sooner.
Oh, I bottled this today. I added carbonation tablets to some of the bottles and left some still. I tasted it, and it was a bit tart. Maybe next time I would bump up the gravity a little bit more or maybe back sweeten.
How long to age this? It is so tart, its almost vinegary. I'm wondering if it spoiled or if I'm too impatient and it needs some time. Basically. it didn't taste like I wanted it to immediately so I'm hoping it just needs age. Any thoughts?
What was the abv ? When I make cider I go for beer strength. If you made yours wine strength...9 - 12 abv then it will have to age for a year or so. Did the must taste tart prior to fermentation ? Did you test for acid levs. Hmmmm....seams I've got alot of questions.I personally like my cider dry and tart so you could always just ship it to me

I like mine dry and tart also. The cider was not real tart or real sweet to start with; just middle of the road on that level. I only added 1 and a half cups of sugar to the must and used cider yeast. It should be at about beer strength. I guess I'll just let it sit for awhile.