Happy New Year From Appleman's Vineyard

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Around these parts Jobe, you need to grow a couple hundred acres of trees to be considered a small independent grower

The bigger orchards rip out more trees every year and replant than most orchards will grow in a lifetime! Some of the trees I used to tend to were part of a 600 acre orchard that the orchardist retired from. Times keep changing!

I just watched your presentation and was really impressed at all your work on both the growing and pressing of grapes in addition to putting the slide show together.

How many gallons of juice do you get from the 600 (did I get that right?) vines? I know it's dependent on lbs of grapes, etc...but just want to get an idea.

Thanks again for sharing.
APPLEMAN,that was excellent a true work of art, both in the presentation and the labor and the thought you put into your vineyard ,incredible,awesome and a delight to truely see a person happy in his endevers,great job
Edited by: joeswine
Laneygirl, yes I have about 600 vines now, but more to be planted. I expect to get between 600-750 gallons from them minimum. They aren't vinifeera so they will bear a bit heavier per vine- around 12-20 pounds per vine average. It takes about 10-12pounds per gallon for reds and about 12-15 pounds for whites. I'm working with this linited size plot for the vines so the shape isn't optimum and some trees shade a little, but it gives me a place to start. I may encroach on a few acres of the farm in the future. I have my eyes on one of the fields that is just about perfect for grapes and less than perfect for the vegetables.
Hey Appleman,

Loved the video! I helped pick my sister's crop this year and the Cayuga was a real hit! The Poor Man's Riesling.

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