Happy New Year From Appleman's Vineyard

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Nov 12, 2005
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<DIV =msg style=": left; OVERFLOW: auto">Happy New Year All.

Here is a little slideshow from the Vineyard. It is a condensation of 2 years growing, from vines to wines. Sorry about the music looping.


It will take a while to open. If it doesn't open with Windows Media Player, you will need to open it with whatever video player you have. Hope it works OK. It tests out OK on my end.
Awesome Job!!!!

Happy New Year
Great show Appleman, from the looks of the progression maybe I should save a weeks vacation and come help with the harvest on year three!
Appleman...that was a great presentation...

You've come a long way baby....Very well done indeed...

Let me give you the clap...

And...a happy New Year to all!!!!!
You must be a very happy man, fantastic pictures. Apple, Good Growing in the New Year !!!

<DIV SuperAdBlocker_DIV_Elements="0" SuperAdBlocker_OnMove_Hooked="0" SuperAdBlocker__Hooked="0" SuperAdBlocker_DIV_FirstLook="0">Bill
I finally found some time to watch the video. It's great!
And, I really enjoyed the music! I feel as if there's going to be a party on the mountain! Great song choice.
Very, very nice appleman! I'm both impressed and jealous.
You've obviously spent a lot of time and effort on that great looking vineyard.

I saw evidence of Chardonel, St. Pepin, La Crescent and Cayuga. How are the wines? Do you grow any other varieties? It seems like I remember that you live in the Northeast somewhere. Can you grow any of the cooler weather V.vinifera varieties?

What do you do to keep the vegetation down between the rows? Also, I didn't see an irrigation system but the vines appear to get all the water they need. Do you have an underground system?
Edited by: Rule G
happy New Year everyone.
Let's lift a glass this evening to those we love and cherish.

That means you guys too.
Rule G said:
Very, very nice appleman! I'm both impressed and jealous.
You've obviously spent a lot of time and effort on that great looking vineyard.

I saw evidence of Chardonel, St. Pepin, La Crescent and Cayuga. How are the wines? Do you grow any other varieties? It seems like I remember that you live in the Northeast somewhere. Can you grow any of the cooler weather V.vinifera varieties?

What do you do to keep the vegetation down between the rows? Also, I didn't see an irrigation system but the vines appear to get all the water they need. Do you have an underground system?

Rule G - the answer to all your questions is in my post under Champlain Valley Vineyard under Home Vineyards Fourm on the main menu. I think it is up to 44 pages now

I will tell you that the vegetation between rows is kept down by running a 5 foot disc harrow down each row about 5 or 6 times a year. No I don't have irrigation, but do have an underground hydrant mid-vineyard that I can water off if needed. The topsoil is sandy, but the water table is fairly high so once they get their roots down 2 feet, they are all set. Read through some of the post when you get a while.
Very nice looking vineyard and slide show. Thanks for taking the time to prepare this for us. Can't wait to see next year's additions.

Have a very Happy New Year!
Fantasticpresentation and great vineyard Appleman !!!

At the end of the presentation it indicated "end of year 2" so I'm assuming that your vineyard is now 2 years old.

Were those grape cluster pictures and the wine in the carboys from 2nd year vines? If so,how many clusters did you limit each new young vine to?

I was born and raised in New England but spent a lot of time in upstate NY sothose pictures brought back a lot of nostalgia.

Thanks for sharing with us.
Nebraska Wino
Some of the wine is from those vines and I limited clusters to less than 10 per vine-depending on the vine's vigor. Yes that was the end of the second year. I expect much more this coming year. I have 325 2 year vines and 300+ one year vines. Some of the grapes were from the Willsboro Cold Hardy Grape Trials. If you haven't been following the Home Vineyards Forum, here is a link to my topic Champlain Valley Vineyard
Great slide show Appleman

Good job and great looking vineyard and apple orchard. I didn't hear much about your apple production this year, was it a good one? Did you make wine with it? I tried to make a wine with that 3 gallons I had left from Holloween that had additives in it, even mixing it with another 3 gallons of natural stuff, I couldn't get it going, so I dumped it................
I had an exceptionally good crop of apples this year, but my orchard keeps shrinking. I don't run it commercially anymore, so I have gotten rid of most of the trees. I only have about 75 bearing trees now. They were the largest apples in years and most trees were loaded. I didn't make wine this year because I still have about 150 or so bottles of it. I prefer grape wines so that's where I am placing my emphasis now. We sold a bunch of them at the farm stand and I had plenty to give away and to fee the deer all fall.
Unfortunately I think the apple industry is drying up for the small independents up there. I have a brother inlaw in Auburn that has a couple hundred trees he planted about 16 years ago. The first three years, everyone wanted more of his apples than he could produce, then it leveled off as his crop (and trees) got larger, but as of the last 6 or so years, it has about dried up for him. It seems like it's all or nothing up there for apples, or, at least in that area, if your first name isn't Beak and your last name Skiff, your out! It's unfortunate.

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