Grocery store juice wine

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I bottled my welches last week and am trying a 1/2 bottle now, this may be the best wine I ever tasted!!!
Does it have something to do with the fact that I made it myself? I'm drinkig it strait with a nice salad...

My homemade Welche's juice wine just might be OK my son was here today
when I was at work and tried some that was in the fridge, he asked my
wife to ask me if he could have some, he thought it was great, better
than the first batch that he made. So I put on some labels and shrink
caps. I made the labels with avery 8254 3 1/3" x 4" labels then sprayed
them with matte finish just like someone here suggested...thanks


Hey Stinkie,

Now that the wine has aged a week has the flavor changed? I'd like an update. Are you going to put any away to age for 6-12 months? And how many bottles did you end up with on this batch? Enquiring minds want to know!
No one told me to count the bottles!! I had 6 gallons, but filled some
375's and some 1.5's but didn't count them. I bought 3 gallons of
welches today and 1 qt. of organic pear juice , that's what was in this
batch plus I wanted the glass 1 qt bottle, also paid $4 for 1/2 gallon
organic apple juice just to get the glass bottle, you guys are

I stablized and fined 3/30 need to rack tonight or soon.
Hey Stinkie!

Didn't mean to stress you there. Both Bert and I laughed when we read about paying $4 for a 1/2 gallon organic apple juice just to get the glass bottle!
We do the same thing! And don't forget that you can also use regular wine bottles when you need a smaller bottle, you just have to get the little bungs. In a pinch one timewe used saran wrap taped to the top of the bottle and a hole poked into it for the air lock. Necessity, the mother of invention!Edited by: PolishWineP
I went 50 miles to the health food store to buy the bungs in fact I
came home with lots of bungs but they didn't have any small enough for
the wine bottles, I'm all set just have to dump the apple juice down
the I'll put it in the welches wine this time. I
really need to get some so I left the store then
after lunch went back and bought yeast nutrient, acid blend, tannin
(don't even know what it is but see it talked about alot by country)
and more campden tablets, didn't need the things but thought it would
be good to stock pile cause when you runout when making wine it ain't
Stinkie, tannin is a natural substance found in grapeskins and the skins, seeds, leaves, and stems of alot of other fruits. It helps give wine that astringent character, mouthfeel, and has antioxidant properties that help wine age. That is your lesson for this evening, Grasshopper.

Racked my welche's yesterday, the handles I bought for the carboys stay
up rather well on their own by fetching the strap up tight.

Those straps are just like the ones I have except mine are yellow. They are great.

country, I have one red one and two yellows.

Maui, I just sent an email home to remind me to post the recipe I used.
grocery store juice wine recipe:

5 1/2 gallons Welches concord 100% juice

boil 3 qts water with 4lbs. sugar...let cool to room temp SG 1.090

mix in primary add yeast (I used Red Star Montrachet)

racked at 8 days, SG 1.000

racked and stablized at 10 more days SG.996 6 campden tablets, 1TBS.
sorbate, take extra time to stir and drive off CO2, add superclear
fining, top up with more welches juice

bottle when you are ready
my original welches recipe:

2.5 gallons water boiled with 10lbs. sugar

3 gallons Welches 100% grape juice

1qt pear juice (organic)

2 pkg pasteur red yeast

follow other recipe
I have the original recipe in the bottles, bottled 3/30/05, it tastes
great, not just my opinion, others I've given it to like it also, plus
it'll kick your

my new improved recipe is in the carboy probably bottle next week, I have a sample in the fridge I want to do a acid test on.
I was reading Jack Kellers site last night and saw why not to use too
much fruit....then today I just finished bottling my 100% welches juice
wine, its not as good as the 1/2 juice 1/2 water recipe. but maybe it
will be after aging, probably won't last that long though, I'll just
drink it with my 1/3 wine 2/3 juice regimine.....yea, I'm getting rid
of the leftover