Greetings from PEI, Canada

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Jan 15, 2011
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Hello to everyone.

I'll start by saying I'm surprised to be here. Bad place to admit it, but I have never cared for wine. I know, I know. It's supposed to be amazing but I sip politely when it's served and just don't enjoy it. For me, it's always been something like the Emperor's Clothes. Everyone is too scared to admit they don't like it either.

Then again, I am scared I'm missing out on one of life's treasures, so here I am. I live in rural PEI so in summer I am surrouneded by tons of fresh fruit and berries, many of which I pick and preserve. So I thought maybe if I make my own wine, it will be better.

I have never been one let's not knowing what they're doing stop me so I jumped right in and ask questions later. I've made a couple of batches and from the reading I'm now doing, realize I made pretty well every mistake in the book. Needless to say, I remain skeptical about this whole wine thing.

However, I have enjoyed reading this forum tremendously. What a great bunch. I am now inspired AND I am positive I will eventually produce something that I enjoy and am proud of. Thanks to everyone for all the information and advice on this site. It's wonderful. Cheers!
Welcome to the party. Stick around and we'll guide you through the process. I was not a wine drinker when I started either. I tasted my nephews high abv blackberry and it was awesome. So after doing some reasearch and this site I found out how much fun it is. No one ever told be the addicting part was the fun in making it and giving it away.
Goood luck, go slow and have fun!
Welcome when you think your in trouble post your recipe and what you have done so it will make it easier for everyone on here to help you out and always have fun making your wine
Welcome and feel free to send us fruit & berries! :ib
Welcome, Wannabe - always good to see another Maritimer on here. This is a great hobby and a great forum to share information. Many new winedrinkers start out drinking sweeter wines, usually white, and over time, move to less sweet or dry wines and more red wines. This may or may not apply to you. I would suggest you try some mist type kit wines to start - they are usually easy drinking, kits are easy to make and they are available year round. Fruit wines are a little more involved, but can be made in small batches which makes it easy to experiment and there's lots of variety. Anyway, again welcome and I hope you find something you enjoy.
Ok first let me ask a few questions on what kind of wine have you made and tasted and if you could post recipes youve used. If its been primarily drier wines youve tasted most people start off not liking dry wine and eventually turn to liking them more or near as much. When I first started trying wine i too thought it wasnt for me until I then tried some sweeter fruit wines, big difference. Eventually after about 3 years after I slowly started liking drier wines and now I like them almost as much as a nice sweet fruit wine.
I had only ever had store bought wine and house wines and never cared for any of them. And then, just for fun, thought I'd try some home made. I am in the country and I LOVE picking wild berries. Make jam and freeze some and then give lots away. This year I threw together some blueberry and some apple/cranberry. Looking back, about the only thing I did right was ferment it and bottle. I didn't take any readings, didn't age, didn't degas or backsweeten. I don't mind dry but WOW! What I have now would curl your eyebrows! So now that I did everything wrong, I'll move onto trying to do it right. Have a hydrometer and am doing tons of reading on here. I look forward to wild strawberry, blueberry, cherry, raspberry and cranberry for starters. It can only get better!