Green Tomato Wine

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Sep 15, 2013
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I just pulled my tomato plants and have enough green tomatoes to start about 4 gallons of green tomato wine. Has anyone had luck with this? I'm wondering what kind of flavor I can expect. The recipe I'm using calls for adding ginger, clove, and raisins. Any tips would be appreciated.
Dont know about the recipe your going with but heard its a lot like a Chardonnay. I was going to do the red version but My husband ran off with a lot of my tomato's :)
Yum! I love Chardonnay so I hope it works! What does red tomato wine taste like then? It was such a rainy cool summer a lot of my tomatoes never ripened. Now it's getting into the 40s at night here so I figured I had to do something with these green guys.
Im not sure Iv never tasted it but from the thread I read on another site its refreshing in the summer over ice, The toms must be very ripe! Let me know how the green works out
How many green tomatoes did you end up with?

I spent this weekend cleaning out a large portion of my summer garden, but I left quite a few tomato vines. Last year we got 23 lbs of tomatoes when we ripped everything out right before our first frost. The first frost this year isn't expected until late October/early November, so I'm hoping we get similar amounts.
West of DFW area.

Just looked it up and first threat of frost is supposed to be around Nov 11.
Last year it was whatever the weekend before 11/25 fell on.
I finally got the wine started last night! I'll post pics later if I can. I live in Columbus, Ohio, so we get a frost a bit earlier here. It hasn't frosted yet but it gets so chilly at night it really stops the ripening process. I used 20 lbs of green tomatoes to start 5 gallons of wine. I still have a few plants I left in the ground, too, which have a lot more green on them.
I can't wait to hear more about this wine. It is definitely on my to do list. Do you plan on adding any herbs to the wine?
Sorry I've been away so long! We had to start an emergency kitchen renovation in October due a leak under the sink, and we didn't finish until January. Needless to say my wines got a little neglected. I managed to rack the green tomato wine only once, but I just tasted a peach wine I started a few weeks before that one and it's very tasty, so I have high hopes for the tomato wine! I plan on tasting it in a few weeks and then bottling if it's good. I'll update with the progress.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Congrats on making it through fermentation!

.. I say this, because I tried making a Green Tomato wine.. Only wine I've ever tossed.. Day 2 fermentation smelled like puke, despite knowing that the sugar and acidity were both in the proper range and the yeast were healthy..

I couldn't take it..