Grape Concentrate

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30 batches my first year, still learning
Apr 6, 2017
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Other than having potassium sorbate (and the price), what's the difference between three cans of red or white grape concentrate I'd buy in the grocery store and the one liter of grape concentrate I'd buy from LP?

Since the LP grape concentrate is "3x concentrated" and the cans at the grocery store require 3 cans of water to bring to regular strength, I'm wondering if there's a significant difference.
the grocery store concentrate is just a good as hobby shop. just be careful in that the grocery buy will not impart a different taste to wine or fruit. if the concentrate is being added for body of a fruit wine I would not add water but add concentrate directly. if it is going to be a base for a wine then add water carefully monitoring sg to get the desired level.
The grocery store concentrate is most likely Concord and will taste like store bought grape juice. Not sure what the LP concentrate comes from, but it is worth asking.
Biggest things I see are 1) The presence of Potassium Sorbate may prevent fermentation or inhibit it making the process difficult. 2) As mentioned the store bought is probably Concord unless labeled otherwise and will taste like Manischewitz wine.
Other than having potassium sorbate (and the price), what's the difference between three cans of red or white grape concentrate I'd buy in the grocery store and the one liter of grape concentrate I'd buy from LP?

Since the LP grape concentrate is "3x concentrated" and the cans at the grocery store require 3 cans of water to bring to regular strength, I'm wondering if there's a significant difference.

Don't know of any that have potassium sorbate in them, ie: Old Orchard, Welchs, etc. I am speaking of the 100% type.

As mentioned, most of the "grape" concentrates from Welchs are Concord based, with the exception of the white Niagara.

I use these all the time (100% juice) and there are no fermentation issues.
Biggest things I see are 1) The presence of Potassium Sorbate may prevent fermentation or inhibit it making the process difficult. 2) As mentioned the store bought is probably Concord unless labeled otherwise and will taste like Manischewitz wine.

Never had any problems fermenting frozen concentrate.

white grape concentrate is from Niagara grapes and should be okay.

True and make a very nice tasting wine.
Don't know of any that have potassium sorbate in them, ie: Old Orchard, Welchs, etc. I am speaking of the 100% type.

As mentioned, most of the "grape" concentrates from Welchs are Concord based, with the exception of the white Niagara.

I use these all the time (100% juice) and there are no fermentation issues.

My bad, it has k-meta in it, not potassium sorbate.

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Ron0126 - That sounds like good news. Since the K-meta should dissipate over a little time you should be good to go. The only question is how much is in there. Not likely to be much or you'd taste it.
Biggest things I see are 1) The presence of Potassium Sorbate may prevent fermentation or inhibit it making the process difficult. 2) As mentioned the store bought is probably Concord unless labeled otherwise and will taste like Manischewitz wine.

Was at Mom's over the week end and she had a bottle of Mogan David Concord Grape wine.

1. I was shocked to see wine in her fridge.

2. I had a half a glass and thought it was a very pleasant wine. I have never understood the animosity towards Concord grape wine...still don't.
Was at Mom's over the week end and she had a bottle of Mogan David Concord Grape wine.

1. I was shocked to see wine in her fridge.

2. I had a half a glass and thought it was a very pleasant wine. I have never understood the animosity towards Concord grape wine...still don't.

Mostly because most bad wines you find in The stores is made with concord.

And some members balk at using Welch's concentrate to make wine. :h
As many others have said.... no worries about making a nice fruity wine from the Niagara frozen concentrate (never did anything with the concord, but I'm sure it's good too if that's what you like). The thing about Niagara and Concord (and muscadine and all these other "grape flavored grapes), is that you won't get any complexity. I think that's were a bit of snobbery comes in, because it's true you will never make a nuanced complex wine like vinifera. But a delicious fruity wine for the back porch on a hot day? All day long my friend! :h