RJ Spagnols Grand Cru International Collection California Zinf

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Oct 14, 2009
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Just started the RJS Grand Cru International Collection California Zinfandel. The SG was 1.095 at 78 deg F.

Added oak powder (light toast) oak infusion bag (med/dark toast) and grape skins.

This kit had the most juice I've ever used before. I'm surprised at how
little water I needed to add compared to the other kits I've made.

The must tastes wonderful. I waited about 1/2 and hour and stirred aver
few minutes to make sure the concentrate was fully incorporated then
pitched the yeast (Lavlin EC1118)

So Excited! I named this one for my bride to be, Kat. (Lady Kathryn's Delight)

The only negative I have with this kit is the amount of juice between the layers of the bag. I know George wrote about this issue with many kits and manufacturers in "Pressing News" I think that I will be sending an email to RJS to voice my concern.
You'll have to change your signature from a "none:(" to include your new wine in primary! I just bottled a Grand Cru Intl Syrah and I agree that even the must tasted great. I am waiting a while on these bottles and hoping that they age to something fantastic. Good luck with your Zin...you'll have to keep us updated. I'll be needing a new wine to start once my mist wines are bottled!
If this is as good as the Primitivo from that series you will be very happy. I have heard nothing but good about the GC Intnl. series. I have the Primitivo bulk againg right now, and I have tried a friends that was about 8-9 months old and it was really good. Keep us updated.
Melissa said:
You'll have to change your signature from a "none:(" to include your new wine in primary! I just bottled a Grand Cru Intl Syrah and I agree that even the must tasted great. I am waiting a while on these bottles and hoping that they age to something fantastic. Good luck with your Zin...you'll have to keep us updated. I'll be needing a new wine to start once my mist wines are bottled!

Just fixed my sig to reflect the newly started wine.
Keep us posted and with pics too, sounds like oneI could make for myMom.

Aren't you "Lady Kathryn's Delight"
Today the SG was at 1.010. The wine smells really good.
Racked to glass today.
Had to be extra careful. Fighting a cold.
Now I'm kinda stuck on the sofa recovering.
I'll top up after stablizing and clearing.
Primary is empty for now. I have a new kit waiting for me to mix it up though. A Pinot Gris. I'll get around to it as soon as I'm feeling better.

Take care of yourself. The wine looks great. Did you transfer any of the oak? Sometimes there's nothing left of the chips or shavings.

I know what you mean about the quantity of must. I just started an EN Primeur Cab, 18 L kit. It said to put 2 liters of water in the bottom of the fermentor and stir in the bentonite. Well, without measuring I added a little water (I thought), stirred in the bentonite, then added the must. The level in the fermentor got higher and higher, but there was still lots of must left in the bag. (I siphon out the must, rather than wrestle with the heavy must bag.)

I was getting nervous that I had added too much water. Well, the must ran out about 1/4 inch below the 6 gallon mark! Won't make that mistake again!!!
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I've not seen the answer yet.... Can someone explain why you have to be extra careful if you have a cold?
A cold is a virus. Don't see how it could spoil your wine. Bacteria on the other hand is bad so you would not want to transfer any bad bacterial bugs to your fermenting kit.

Never hurts to be careful. I guess if you sneezed you could possibly transfer some bacteria into/onto something that may come back to cause a problem if you didn't clean and sanitize things properly.
ibglowin said:
Never hurts to be careful. I guess if you sneezed you could possibly transfer some bacteria into/onto something that may come back to cause a problem if you didn't clean and sanitize things properly.

Yep, I was there myself last week. First cold all Winter. Took off two days from work sick but you just don't have the energy to do much even around the winery. All you can do is look at it, say yep, its still here and head back into the house!

Get well soon!
Thanks. I keep looking over to the little wine making area across the room and thinking "If I could muster up the energy I could get those bottles delabled and cleaned" They will be there when I'm better. Have to bottle my sauvingon blanc soon.
Wine looks good. I just ordered the Syrah, the Brunello, and the Malbec from this series. I think they are a great bang for the buck and everything I hear seem to be good at 9 - 12 months. Thats perfect for letting the larger kits age properly.
I have a friend who has made about 8 of the brunello kits.
I tasted his 1 year old and it was really nice already.
Then he let me taste a 6-month old version; it was hardly drinkable (IMO).

I could make that kit.