George's books

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Senior Member
Oct 5, 2007
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I need a recomendation for one of the books out of the catologs. I have to have all detailed instructions right in front of my face. Please help!
Hello Kaluba. Looks like we are neighbors. I live in Gonzales. What kind of book are you looking for? Of those listed in the catalog i have read I can fully recommend From Vines to Wines by Jeff Cox. It is a very informative and easy to read book. It concentrates on grape wines though and not much on country/fruit wines.
I just treated myself to Alison Crowe's book 'Wine Maker's Answer Book" Merry Christmas to me...
I second smurf on From Vines to Wines by Jeff Cox, It is an excellent book with a lot of information; however, in my honest opinion you can find just as much and more on the internet for free. I use this forum, as well as winemaker magazine for just about everything. Good Luck!
You can find answers to many questions in Alison Crowe's "Wine Maker's Answer Book." It is a good choice. If you make grape wines from fruit, or want to grow a vinyard, "From Vines to Wines" is excellent.
NW, my son gave me Alison Crowe's book plus The Backyard Vintner. I like them both! I "bought" myself a bunch of shrink caps and Terry Garey's Joy of Home Winemaking on your many recommendations with my gift certificate from the wine label contest! I'm in wine reading heaven!!
I loved Terry Garey's The Joy of Home Winemaking. Lots of great fruit wine recipes and she's very down to earth.
Val: I have that book and love it. Without reading all the recipe's, I can read the whole book in less than 2 hours, which I have many times. is a great book, but I was dissappointed that she didn't have a recipe in there for persimmon wine. I did find one on Georges website and I have a gallon fermenting right now. My first fruit wine.......I'm so excited!
Val M said:
I loved Terry Garey's The Joy of Home Winemaking. Lots of great fruit wine recipes and she's very down to earth.
I like this book for the very same reason. George should carry it!