Fruit Crusher Plans

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Oct 18, 2012
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Can anyone direct me to a site or anything for a DIY fruit grinder build. I can certainly build one cheaper than they cost but if I had plans it would save me the time of designing it
I second Rockys advice, this is a great book.
I'm too cheap to buy it though. I went to my local library and borrowed it long enough to find a xerox :b

If I get a chance I will take pics of the apple/pear chopper my dad made for me; it is similar in concept to what is linked here, but a lot simpler to make. There are a couple improvements I would make, but given that he designed it and built one when he was 15 then re-created it for me 40 years later I give the design a pass. :D It works great for my needs.
I made this apple grinder last year, it works but not real well. Which is Ok, because i doubt if I'll ever make pear or apple wine again. I think it might work for other fruit tho, if i adjust the distance between the drum and the wall it might work for grapes.
Here is a simple apple crusher I made last year that worked fairly well.
I used a steel rod through a turned drum and powered it with an ordinary 1/2" corded drill.

