fresh pressed juice

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Plus you are not that far from Walkers in NY. Careful though, Runningwolf was making daily trips there.:)
He was going so much I think he started fermenting and clearing juice in his car.:tz

You have quite a few options as to where to get your juice. There is L'uva Bella (I got mine from there via Farris Produce in Massillon) but there is also Grape & Granary in Tallmadge (I am not sure where their juice comes from).
Thanks I wil get more juice this weekend. In the mean time I started more wine this morning. My sg starting is1.040 so if I calculate right I need 5lbs of sugar to get to 10% alcohol. Did I do it right
That would be about 14 ounces by weight per gallon. Add less than what you are aiming for. Check gravity again then add the difference.

Take some juice in a pan. Warm slightly on stove with your sugar. Stir frequently. Just as you see the juice about to turn clear again remove from the heat. Stir a d allow the remaining sugar to break down making it easier for the yeast to eat.

Do not make the juice hot or simmer. It takes 7 minutes for the sugar to breakdown and convert. Add to your bucket. Stir and recheck the gravity.

You can disolve up to two times the sugar in an amount of liquid. Ex. One cup of sugar can disolve in 1/2 cup of liquid. It is easier if you don't get that close.
Steve has you in the right direction. Don't just dump that sugar in!
Starred on Sunday (yesterday) a new batch of wine from fresher pressed juice. I noticed this morning no bubbles. I don't thank it's fermenting. Should I add more yeast or wait?
Wait. It can take time to visually see signs of fermentation. Only a hydrometer can tell you for sure.

Temperature, ph, acid, yeast all effect your must. It may be tonight or tomorrow until you see bubbles.

Still nothing. The temp 68 the yeast I Judy bought and used with other wine-never had this happen. :( what should I do
My thoughts too. If your hydrometer shows no change. Warm it up to mid 70's. If nothing rehydrate another pak of yeast.

Presuming you added pectic enzyme and nutrients.
Great. Sometimes just setting your buckets on a piece of wood or on a STURDY table can help. During one time this past winter it was so chilly that I wrapped a blanket around 2 buckets I needed to ferment and I added a 20 or 25 watt light bulb to add a little heat. They took off. It's not that cold now.