Form 1541

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Apr 12, 2007
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I have a book Winemaking at Home by Homer Hardwick, copyright 1954, where I first learned of a Form 1541 needed to be filed if you make more than 200 gallons of wine a year in your home. Although back then, you were required to file regardless of amount.

What's the most anyone here has made in a year's time?
I ask because it seems, with all that is available today and the ease of making wine, 200 gallons is not much of a reach.


Edited by: JohnA
Well since you asked, I make about 99.999
gallons a year....
112 last year and it was a bad year but I have 2 adults here. I may have lie a little this year!
100 gallons, undelclared is legal. So you probably mean that you made 99 and the other 13 gallons were store bought (since it goes by household I believe).... right?????
200 gallons max per household is legal but only if there are 2 adults
in CT. 1 adult =100 gallons but never 2 exceed no matter how many
adults without permit or whatever it requires to make more.
Maybe you forgot that you posted a picture of your winemaking room!
Remember to as Wade posted, what is legal in CT may not be legal for you. Most states follow the same 100 gallon per person/200 gallon per household rule, but not all states. Some states it is still illegal I believe.You might want to do a little research to what is the legal limit for you. BTW, the 100/200 rule applies for me here in Louisiana as well.
I think the law is a federal law and supercedes all state and local laws. As an aside, this is a good case were keeping records is a bad idea. Make the feds prove it!
i just started whatever i have going when they show up lol !!! my very first batch honest officer....
geocorn said:
I think the law is a federal law and supercedes all state and local laws. As an aside, this is a good case were keeping records is a bad idea. Make the feds prove it!

George, you are partially correct. Federal law can supersede state law. How
this works is state law cannot be *less* restrictive than federal law.

So in essence, a state can make a law that is more 'strict' than federal law.
But if the feds want to prosecute something, they have precedence to do so
before a state can prosecute someone for something.

This is why it is, generally speaking, more difficult to violate
a federal law, when it is MUCH easier to violate a state law.

In fact, you would probably notice the same is true from
city laws or ordinances to state laws too. </span>(This is how cities can enforce laws about
watering your lawn too much, or not shoveling walks, or parking violations,
etc.). And if one is given the choice it is usually better to be prosecuted by
a state or city, since many federal laws have “minimum mandatory” sentencing
which sets a very strict sentencing guideline that is stuck to and no one gets
out early for good behavior.

As an aside, a local city where I live attempted to pass a law against homebrewing as their arguement: they worried underage drinkers were gaining alcohol by doing this.... Yeah...
Don't get me started on that one.
Thanks for the clarification about the laws. I just HOPE the feds and the States have a few more important tasks than montoring the making of wine!

As to the underage problem, I personally think it is way more work than most teenagers are willing to invest. It is so much easier to find someone who will purchase the alcohol for you. Besides, I never met very many teenagers that had the patience to make wine.
I'd like to see Operation Exile implemented here is Memphis. Some years ago, Richmond, VA was the per-capita murder capital of the country. A joint program between local police and the Federal prosecutor resulted in everyone who so much as J-walked getting patted down. If you were in illegal possesion of a firearm (mostly convicted felons wh were not allowed to have a gun) you were prosecuted by the Federal attorney and got 5 years - no parole.

Most gang bangers feel like a stretch in the pen is part of the job, but they are serving time in the local jail, with a bunch of their buddies. I know that here in Memphis, they jail them by gang - GD's with GD's, Vice Lords with Vice Lords, etc. - to minimize violence. The gang bangers know this, too.

Under Operation Exile, a miscreant from Richmond might find himself in Leavenworth, KS, on a cellblock without a single familiar face.

It worked.

Are you saying that all of us would end up in the same cell block?

- Jim
In The Great Escape, Hills, Hendley, and the other Yank bought up all of the potatos in camp and made booze for the Fourth of July.
So the way I see this is...I can either make less or drink more.

Guess which I'll choose?

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