First Skeeter Pee turned out Great!

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Mar 16, 2011
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So I bottled(wine bottles)my first SP on Saturday and I must say its a hit. I made a Key Lime SP and used an Ice wine kit Slurry(Premier Cuvee yeast) I added 2 lbs extra sugar to bump up the ABV a bit and backsweetened it to the level of a riesling. In fact it reminds me very much of a Riesling. Maybe that has something to do with the slurry? Brought some to Easter dinner and everyone wanted more more more lol. My family couldnt believe I made it and I had to show them the SP web site for them to believe me.

I degassed the hell outta it but it still maintained a very slight zip of carbonation. Not enought to blow bottles or anything. My only fear is that I do not have enough of it lol.

Thanks Lon!
We just bottled our first batch of Pee today also. We plan to take some to a Mother's Day / Graduation get together get-together thing next weeekend. I hope everyone likes at much as we do!! We put ours in Modeelo and Corona bottles, the testing to get the sugar right for bacfk sweetening really got o us!!:ib
I find that it almost always goes well with casual family/friend get-togethers. I'll have to experiment with the best options for bulk serving. Some sort of keg or jug with a spigot. I'd like to keep it in a clear vessel if possible and still keep it iced somehow.

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