First Batch Of Wine Fermented Really Quick?:S

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Dec 3, 2013
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So I decided to try and make wine...being a nooby i decided to try the welches juice one first.

I put 1 gallon of juice in a jug, added some sugar till the reading on my hydrometer was 1.100...put in the yeast, and let nature do it's work.

Its the 4th day today and i just took a reading and its already reading 1.000 on the hydro...temperature was a constant 77 this normal? I dont have a second jug to rack the wine into not till tomorrow. also I tasted the tastes the wine bad or is this normal cause i havent degassed it yet.

* there is still some yeast action going on....its past the really vigurious bubbling isnt clear either. just seems like it went really fast.
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Seems like you are just now getting your feet wet.. Welcome to the hobby! It is perfectly normal for the fermentation to go this fast if the temperature is right.. Also, the fizzyness is also normal. I would not recommend force degassing but instead let it happen over time. I recommend you also get some proper equipment if you do not already have it. ( Airlocks, racking equipment, carboys and the such). If you find yourself unsatisfied with this you could always try making a dragons blood. Not a bad way to practice your winemaking skills plus it takes pretty good pretty quick.
what seth said.....
I use to try and ferment fast as i after reading post from seth,turock,runningwolf,pumpinman, i try to let mine go slower...
well im not sure how to make it go slower...i just thought what i did was normal. I do have proper equipment. I have an airlock on the carboy right now since the fermentation is slowing down.
Was it White or Red Welches? For red wine, there is nothing abnormal about fermenting out this quickly and your wine will taste fine. The conditions were just perfect for the yeasts to do it's thing.
If you were making white however, usually it is preferable to cool down the juice temperature to below 70 degrees.
To slow down ferment, you would need to lower the juice temperature by putting it in a colder room or by some other means.

Either way, I'm sure the wine will turn out great!
Make sure and top the carboy up after fermentation ceases entirely and mix in (1) crushed Campton tablet to protect the wine from bacteria and oxidizing.
Was it White or Red Welches? For red wine, there is nothing abnormal about fermenting out this quickly and your wine will taste fine. The conditions were just perfect for the yeasts to do it's thing.
If you were making white however, usually it is preferable to cool down the juice temperature to below 70 degrees.
To slow down ferment, you would need to lower the juice temperature by putting it in a colder room or by some other means.

Either way, I'm sure the wine will turn out great!
Make sure and top the carboy up after fermentation ceases entirely and mix in (1) crushed Campton tablet to protect the wine from bacteria and oxidizing.

when you say top the carboy up does that mean to put some water in it to bring it closer to the top? im gunna go out tomorrow and buy another 1 gallon carboy and rack it into that once the bubbles stop completely. let it clear up.
When you rack off the sediment there will be a sizable air gap above the wine.
This is OK as long as fermentation is generating Co2 to displace the oxygen.

After it finishes up you should get rid of the air space some how. There are a few ways to do this.
You can: Rack into a smaller container, add similar wine or water, add oak chips or cubes, add lead free marbles.

Any way you do it, the wine should be within an inch of the bung.
Adding water is the least favorite way as this will water down the wine.

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