Filtering before bulk aging

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Sep 6, 2013
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Is there any disadvantages in filtering before bulk aging?

Thank you,

None what-so-ever. This is a great time to filter.

You may want to filter again once bulk aging is complete and you are getting ready to bottle.
I thought one pass with a whole house filter would be enough.

My fear was to strip flavour a little bit while bulk aging. But it's no worse than filtering then bottle aging...

If this is a non-kit wine (and some higher end red kit wines) it may drop out sediment while bulk aging, so filtering would be preferable after bulk aging just before bottling, IMO.
If this is a non-kit wine (and some higher end red kit wines) it may drop out sediment while bulk aging, so filtering would be preferable after bulk aging just before bottling, IMO.

This is why I said that he may want to filter again once bulk aging is complete.
Thanks for the info!

It's a high end kit. I'll ask another question. What would be the advantage of filtering twice? If there isn't I think I'll wait until bottling.

Thank you again.


i invested in a whole house filter for my vacuum pump and used it twice.
after that I quit .
If your wine has truely cleared, and racked often you will have the same result, I think.
I get a very clear, sediment free,shiny, beautiful wine without filetering.