fig recipe please

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Junior Member
Dec 28, 2013
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Over the last few month I have staked out about twenty or thirty wild fig trees that were bearing fruit. Well, I noticed today a few of those trees are starting to produce ripe figs. This also means that a lot more ripe fruit will be here before I know it. I need a tried and true fig recipe. I found a basic one on Keller's website but it didn't mention the use of pectin enzyme. Is this needed for figs. Any recommendations are welcomed. I am also not opposed to doing a fig blend of some sort as well. I anxiously await your reply. In the meantime I'll be picking ripe figs and popping them in the freezer till needed!
Thanks stressbaby. That recipe sounds delicious. I'll probably make it if I can find a good deal on pomegranates. About how many did you use to get the volume of seed listed?

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Not sure. I used a little dwarf pomegranate I had in my greenhouse. It made tiny little fruit which wouldn't translate to the regular kind.

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Fig jam is wonderfull... Just saying:)

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