Fermentation Question PH and TA

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Oct 26, 2009
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Hello,Iam in the process of fermenting 200 pounds of Petit Verdot grapes. My starting brix 25 Ta .6 and ph 3.70.After thinking it over I should have added some tartic acid to lower the ph and raise the ta.My question is it to late to make this addition during fermentation?The reason I ask is I plan on doing a ML fermentation using White Labs 675 Malolactic bacteria and the directions say add when Sg is at 1.05. not dry.I understand during ML the ph goes up and the TA goes down and since my numbers are at low and high I would like to get them more in line.My current brix is at 14.I thank anyone that can help in advance
I would not adjust at this point. You are not very far off of the mark. Go with what you have and then make any further adjustments after MLB.