F-pac inflated

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Nov 28, 2011
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Hi there,
I have a Summer Breeze kit with a flavor pack that I have yet to start. I just got it about a month ago. Today, I noticed the f-pac was inflated and it popped the top of the box open with the pressure. I opened the f-pac to let the excess air out as I didn't want it to bust. Has anyone ever had this happen? I'm guessing there must be some sort of problem with it for this to happen and the pac is likely ruined. Hoping someone can shed some light on this.

Return it or call the manufacturer. Almost all the companies are very good and will send you out another f-pac immediately. Ive been in circumstances similiar to this a few times and each coapny has always taken care of me!!!!!
I think cpfan (Steve) can give a better answer than myself on this. Which Summer Breeze was it? When you opened the bag did it have a bad oder? I would also check with the supplier you bought it from and see if there other boxes are the same way.
It sounds to me like that f-pack may have fermented on the shelf and is ready to drink. HA! That is... as long as it wasn't caused by some other organism like bacterial.
Thanks for the quick responses. It is a Black Cherry Shiraz kit and the f-pac did have a bad odour when I first opened it, then it almost seemed like no smell, couldn't detect cherry or sweet at all. I've contacted my supplier and she's checking with the manufacturer, I'm sure they will send me another. I was curious as to what it could be. Could it really have fermented? I thought there was sorbate in the pacs.

Thanks again.
Not usually, you add the sorbate first, then add the F-pac. The F-pac is just like the juice bag, full of sugar that can easily be spoiled by bugs or yeast if not properly handled or processed (pasteurized).
I do find it hard to believe that the bag fermented some as that would take a super yeast as the gravity of an f-pac is pretty darn high!!!
Awesome, Im glad the supplier is handling this for you. Some just say for you to call the manufacturer yourself nad that is not how a good business should work!!
Yeah, I would never use any product that was abnormally inflated or bulging. Usually a sign of food poisoning and/or rotting product.