WineXpert Eclipse New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc

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Hi All,

I'm just about to start the Eclipse Sauvignon Blanc kit. Sounds like a winner! I'm planning on using the BA-11 when it comes in. 2 questions. What temp would you guys suggest fermenting at? This time of year my cellar stays around 60.

I also saw rhattin used a tablespoon of grapefruit zest. Dumb question but is that something you buy or make with grape fruits? Lol

Any other suggestions are always appreciated. This is only my 2nd white. I'm excited that it's an early drinker and that everyone says such good things about it.


From my experience, 60F should be ok but it will take much longer, i like the temp is the mid 60s, I typically place a brew belt to keep the ferment in the higher 60s when it's cold in the basement.
60F will certainly slow your ferment down, but you should be OK (not sure what the tolerance is for BA-11, so check that before you start). I've done this kit twice and it is good (just won a silver medal with it).

Grapefruit zest will certainly add some zing to it, but I'm not sure it is necessary. I would like to try it out though. It's just the outer part of the skin - the colored part only, not the white stuff (that is bitter). Of course, you get it off there with a zester. ;)
I'm starting this one hopefully this weekend if my WE Cali Chard finishes it's ferment. My Cellar is also in high 50's / low 60's and the Chard has progressed fine with D47 which is what I was going to use for the SB - Actually glad that it's a bit cooler down there for these whites - the Chard AF temp bumped up into 65F @ it's highest while the ambient temp was 60/61F. May also add some grapefruit zest but was going to do it in secondary after a bit so will be able to taste the dry wine first to see if adding grapefruit won't be too over the top.

I've got extra D47 (plus active D47/cali-chardonnay lee's) so may just use that or see if the LHBS has BA11 since there has been success with that and while I enjoy experimenting and learning I also don't mind borrowing a page from the book of master vintners around here and the sharing of knowledge and experiences is as always very much appreciated :)

Looking forward to the testing and tasting as usual!

I just bottled mine at 8 months and added the zest of one grapefruit in the secondary. Very nice but may go further with zest next time around

Thanks everyone. I think I'll set my ferment wrap to 65. Putterrr you mentioned you zested (is that a word) one full grapefruit. Im curious how much more would you go?
I had done one previously that had the zest of 1 each of grapefruit-orange-lime-lemon. It had more of a bite to it than this one but rounded out to be a favourite of ours while it lasted. The actual zest amount is subjective. I used an older zester last time which was not as efficient as my new one. Next time i may do 1 grapefruit with 1/2 of lime and lemon and maybe a large orange. As you can tell, I just wing it. Joeswine was the fellow that got me to try zesting.
