Dogs and Grapes

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Senior Member
May 23, 2016
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Friendly reminder that grapes are highly toxic to dogs. I forgot about this and my 12 week old pup got Into some after I washed out my crusher. Long story short I’ve been at the vet ER for about 3hrs now...

Think he will be ok but it’s been pretty scary. Please keep this little guy in your thoughts.
Friendly reminder that grapes are highly toxic to dogs. I forgot about this and my 12 week old pup got Into some after I washed out my crusher. Long story short I’ve been at the vet ER for about 3hrs now...

Think he will be ok but it’s been pretty scary. Please keep this little guy in your thoughts.
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No grapes .... no raisins! It only takes 1 or 2 grapes or raisins per 10 lbs. of weight for a dog to begin to show symptoms of poisoning.
Thanks. He is a Goldendoodle. So far so good but they really won’t know anything until they do his bloodwork later this afternoon to compare to baseline from yesterday. Fingers crosssed.
What causes the toxicity to dogs? Our dog used to eat table grapes off the vine in our back yard to the point we didn't get many for us. He never had an issue with them.
What causes the toxicity to dogs? Our dog used to eat table grapes off the vine in our back yard to the point we didn't get many for us. He never had an issue with them.

The scientists don't really know what causes the toxicity and it varies greatly between dogs, even littermates. Some dogs don't seem very bothered by it at all, others can't handle even a few grapes or raisins.

Hope your dog pulls through with no aftereffects.
Yeah it's strange. Most of the vineyards I've been to here and up north have vineyard dogs with permanently stained purple snouts.

Great looking pup, hope all is well.
We have 2 AKC Golden Retrievers. They are 7 years old. They consume more grapes each harvest season than I could possibly count (while my back is turned) without any signs of illness. Their poop is full of grape seeds for weeks on end until I get around to netting the grapes and keeping them out so I have some left to harvest. I would not want to try this with a puppy by any means but a full grown dog (60-80lbs in weight) shows no sign of illness here. YMMV........

Glad your little guy is OK.
Yes, seems a like it’s a genetic lottery if any dog in particular has a reaction or not. But it they do that reaction may be kidney failure so just something to keep in mind. I couldn’t live with myself it I didn’t take him on and something happened so played it safe.

Thanks for all the kinds words.
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Ours like to eat our grapes too, we have 30+ vines in the backyard. If she can reach them, she will. I've taken to spraying her with the hose if I see her going for them, which seems to have helped a lot.
She also looks for any skins I miss after cleaning up.
So far she's never gotten sick but you always need to remain careful.
Well, 48hr blood work was ok so we were able to bring him home today. If I’ve done my math correctly this batch will be about $75/bottle 🤪
One of my best dogs was terribly expensive. He had to have two blood transfusions as a young dog (hookworms) but lived to be 15. In later life he had kidney issues which were expensive too. He has been gone two years now and I still miss him terribly.