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Tony I know exactly what you're talking about and what got this started. You're trying to help me out after reading about Julie taking advantage of my wine cellar all the time and now sh'e inviting members to come along with her and she'll show them around. AGGGGGGG

Why Dan, I am very honest and pretty blunt about raiding your cellar and inviting others to come along with me :i
Damn, I had already planned my trip to Julie's to hit you up for a case or two. I'll even take the frozen batch off your hands. WTF?

now i have to try to get my $ back for the airline tickets.
K-9 just have Julie go and raid the cellar. She can then send it on down to you. A few cases of "marinade" sent your way. How good is that?
Well if I'm raiding Dan's cellar on my own, then I'm thinking I need to get a few bottles for JohnT since this is his post, :)
I have this handicap in not being able to judge what most people's hidden adgenda are. Me being a person with no hidden agendas, I find this hard to do.

JohnT, count yourself lucky. I had to learn not to trust people from the very people that I should have always been able to trust, my immediate family. One thing that I have learned over time is that people will always expect to deal with where they deal from...i.e. a liar expects he is being lied to, a lover expects to be loved by all, a thief expects to be stolen from.

My brother and I have been able to rise above all the B.S. and have made pretty good lives for ourselves:try Neither of us has allowed our history to be our future. My husband and his family are amazing and though his parents live two and a half hours away, we CHOOSE to see them far more frequently than my family that lives in the same town.

Continue to be a kind and giving person. Weed out the weeds, they aren't worth keeping. Live and learn!
Thanks for all of the posts folks.

I guess the overall theme here is that I should be more careful.


Put me down ofr two bottles.

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