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Apr 24, 2011
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Hello everybody!

I just stumbled onto this forum this morning and have spent the last few hours reading. It seems like at least somebody around here has experienced everything there is to experience making wine and everything's explained in easy to understand terms.

I started making 1 gallon fruitwine batches about a little more than 2 years ago when I lived in Texas and have continued now that I'm on the East Coast with grape kits. This fall I'm looking forward to attempting wine from fresh grapes, and then really developing that through the years.

I'm currently on my second kit (WE Argentine Malbec) with my first (WE Cabernet Sauvignon) in the secondary, although I'm afraid I'm going to have to write that one off. I'm hoping to add two more carboys to the rotation soon so I can have 4 going at once for experimentation purposes.

I look forward to learning more from all your experience!

Welcome Andrew! Why do you think you will have to write the cab off?
Welcome, I too need to know why you think youll have to write that 1 off. these kits are very forgiving and hard to screw up so most anything you do either will not effect it or can be remedied so please tell in full detail whats up!!
Thanks for the welcomes!

I started the cab kit about 5 weeks ago. It fermented out just fine in the primary with a starting SG 1.076 and an SG of .992 racking it into the secondary. Two days after racking it into the secondary (and more importantly about a week before I should have been degassing, clearing and topping) I got called out of town for 4 weeks. I returned yesterday and immediately added the fining and clearing packets, whipped it to degas and topped it up. I stole a little off the top and it was a little tart. I'm worried sitting nearly 5 weeks with that much air on top of it has probably killed it.

I'm going to give it 4 more weeks in the secondary just in case I'm being a little pessimistic about it.Four weeks from nowis aboutwhen my Argentine Malbec will need to be racked again, so I'll have to make a decision (or buy a third carboy!). Any suggestions to save it are greatly appreciated!

Most likely it was still loaded with C02 so I doubt you did any harm at all. This is extremely young wine and should not even give you an idea much of what this wine will taste like.
I certainly appreciate the quick reply. I will press on, then, and let it bulk age for the next 4 weeks before bottling. Of course I'll continue with updates and questions!
Keep em coming, thats why we are here! If you can Id let it bulk age a little longer to prevent the risk of a fine dusting in the bottle. These kits state they will be ready in 4 weeks but its not really the truth IMO. They surely wont taste great this early and if bottled within their time span I can almost guaranty this dusting happening. I suggest a few months minimum.
Welcome to the forum and a great hobby.....Go ahead and get more carboys, you will need them as you grow with this hobby.....Have fun and enjoy...
Welcome to the forum. I whole-heartedly second Wade's suggestion that you not write off the Cab. Give it time, it'll most likely reward you.
Sounds like you really need to whip it to degas the wine. Do you have a power drill stirrer or whip? They are great for degassing. If "tart" is your only problem with the taste, there are ways to remedy that. The very experienced guys on this forum can lead you through step by step. In any case, do not trash the wine unless there is nothing else to do and this is confirmed by the mavens on this board. Welcome to the hobby and the forum.
I don't have a drill set up and I think when I used the back end of the spoon to degas I didn't know what I was getting into. I might have to get a drill for the malbec. I did find, though, in several of the threads that some had been using suction to create some chemistry to draw out the CO2. I found a little hand pump and have been working that every little while since last night and have been suprised at the amount of gas still coming out. That leads to two important questions, though: most importantly, is there any way I can damage the wine by doing this, and secondly (the obvious answer is when the bubbles stop, but I want to make sure) how will I know know when it's completely degassed?

I've quit for the night. I run and cycle, so I think my shoulders and arms are going to be sore from that little bit of work!
With one of those pumps you couldnt hurt the wine. With a high powered vacuum pump like one made for air conditioning units to remove the coolant..