De Gasing ??

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Nov 25, 2015
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Hi This is the 6th kit I have done but for some reason I cant get the foam to disapate from the wine. I followed the directions correctly. I am using a cordless drill to de gas the wine. I am thinking the gas will eventually bubble off? Thanks Dave
You've certainly hit a topic with many thoughts and right answers, but one which has been covered a lot and will be again.
Some questions:

Which kit?
What was the wine temp when you stirred it?
What did you use, 3 prong whip?
How long did you stir?
Did you reverse to create greater agitation?
Have you made this kit before and if so did it degas well? If so, what's different this time?

The kit will indeed, by all accounts, dissapate over time. But that time is up to a year under airlock. It will not dissipate once bottled.
Hi, I think I figured out my mistake. I was also agitating the wine near the top. I was creating foam by introducing O2. Its already dissapated. I think I will be fine. Its a winexperts Lodi Ranch 11 Cab. I've made this kit before and loved it. temp is 73 I use drill with two paddle whip stick I agitated it for too long. I hope that does hurt it. Probably 1 hour total. I usually do an extra racking over the directions to get more sediment out and add a 1/4 tsp of Kmeta since I hope to age up to two years. Thanks Dave
Hi, I think I figured out my mistake. I was also agitating the wine near the top. I was creating foam by introducing O2. Its already dissapated. I think I will be fine. Its a winexperts Lodi Ranch 11 Cab. I've made this kit before and loved it. temp is 73 I use drill with two paddle whip stick I agitated it for too long. I hope that does hurt it. Probably 1 hour total. I usually do an extra racking over the directions to get more sediment out and add a 1/4 tsp of Kmeta since I hope to age up to two years. Thanks Dave

If you intend to age for two years, just do the first year in the carboy, it'll be gas free, clear as a bell, and you won't risk oxidizing it by agitation.........
How would it get agitated if its bottled on a wine rack at 55 degrees? I need a better airlock for my glass carboy. I don't think its airtight around the bung hole
Hi, I think I figured out my mistake. I was also agitating the wine near the top. ... I use drill with two paddle whip stick

When I use a drill to degass, I use a reversible drill. Put the tip deep into the carboy, and spin it up. When the top of the wine starts to move, reverse the drill. Repeat. That way you get strong agitation in the wine, but minimal disturbance of the surface where O2 gets introduced.
Do you think all the foam I produced by whipping the top of the wine will ruin it? The foam went away after a few hours and the wine is settling nicely. This is the my 6th kit I have no idea why I dd the bonehead move of agitaing the top as well as the bottom of the wine. I know from reading have O2 introduced is beneficial to the aging process. I hope the Kmeta I added will prevent any excessive oxidation.
The foam sitting on the top of your wine was made up of CO2 bubbles. Those bubbles sealed the surface of the wine and prevented it from oxygenation. Your wine should be fine. Continue on with stabilization and finishing.