Corona Virus & Day to Day

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I have not been on the blog since 3/14/20. I just got out of the hospital. I was in the ICU for 5 days and 9 days in "recovery". I seldom get sick, so I thought if I caught the Wuhan bug it would the easy road. Not for me... I have lost about 40% of my lung capacity. The doctors are not sure if that will improve or be permanent. At least I did not get put on a ventilator.
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I have not been on the blog since 3/14/20. I just got out of the hospital. I was in the ICU for 5 days and 9 days in "recovery". I seldom get sick, so I thought if I caught the Wuhan bug it would the easy road. Not for me... I have lost about 40% of my lung capacity. The doctors are not sure if that will improve or be permanent. At least I did not get put on a ventilator.

I'm sure it was a frightening experience. Thanks for posting and nice to hear from you.
Hi , do you remember my friend Kate, and she stated that the deaths contribute to the virus all death's, we're being lumped together , they just stated that this morning and are asking why.
Difference in county deaths are 50%lower and not do to the virus itself. Imagine that.
Don't get me wrong one death is to many at anytime, but why do stay people think this is correct.
Or remember a saying ," never let a good crisses go to waste.,,
Take a breath and walk away tomorrow will be brighter, that's who we are.
They will estimate a death rate after this is all over with modeling. If you died of flu because you couldn't get a bed that was taken up with a covid19 patient is that covid related? Year to year comparisons over a couple years will be used. Putting too much stock into what any one person has to say right now is dangerous, regardless of their title. When my wife was sick I saw 'adamant nurses' and other technicians be totally wrong about their opinion because they only saw their area. Think blind men and the elephant. It was up to the doctors to digest information and keep their eye on the big picture.
Chuck - glad you're back with us. Hope you continue on the healing path.

I will just say once again that we will not know any statistics for certain until this pandemic is long over. It's human nature to try to model and speculate about death rates, etc. All we can do is go by the most recent current data, and that is far from complete. Please err on the side of caution and be safe. One thing that is certain is that this is a dangerous virus in more ways than one.

Data from places around the world that have started to "reopen" are demonstrating that infections are most likely to pick up and accelerate again. My opinion is that it is best to stay the course and wait for more data, more treatment options, more testing to inform us of our risks and a vaccine.
We've jumped back up the last couple days. But at least the 7 day average appears to be trying to plateau.

Turns out even the post pandemic modeling will be skewed because of things like this.

"Influenza, which each year kills hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, all but vanished in Europe last month as coronavirus lockdowns slowed transmission, according to EU data and scientists."

"Influenza killed 152,000 people in Europe in the 2017-18 winter. So far, COVID-19 has taken nearly 100,000 lives across the continent, albeit in a shorter period of time."
Maybe masks should be more common all the time?