Corking w/ a Double Lever Corker

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Nov 4, 2010
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A simple demo of using a double lever hand corker if anyone finds it useful.

Good demo but, no information on how to use it. I have one just like it.
The video makes me want to post a video of throwing the double lever corker in the trash and buying a floor or bench corker, the horrible memories it brings back are, well, horrible.
After I was shown how to make wine it was a no brainer ...... I went out and bought a floor corker. I did inherit a hand corker, used it only for the tutorials.

Buying the floor corker was a good investment.
I find if I did it as slow as this guy the cork would stick out 1/2 inch or so. I do mine in one quick motion.
Nothing like a Floor Corker. It would take forever here for me to use the hand corker with the quanity I make.