corkers cappers

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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2005
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I have a two handed Portugal made corker, it cost 12.99 and I used it for the first time today, it works like a charm.
Way to go Stinkie. Remember, always use the 1.5 inch chamfered corks with that type of corker, and it will work well. No need to soak the corks or sanitize them. George carries the really good agglomerated ones and are cool looking with his logo on them, especially in clear bottles.
Y'all are lucky. I havepoopy old (new) double lever hand corker, but it does the job. I wish I could have a port/ital. floor corker, but i have to deal with this one for the time being. **sigh**

Unless someone wants to make a road-trip to Ohio and help me cork my next batch?!?!?
I'll bring the peanuts
If I have my friends save me some bottles and they only drink the cheap kind can you cork the ones that had a screw on top or only just the ones made for corking.
I have used corks with success on a few screw top bottles. I would say if the bottles are the same, fill a few with water and put corks in them and after a week place them on their sides and see if they leak at all.

Note: After filling I let my bottles sit upright for a week before they are put onto the cellar on the racks, it gives the corks time to expand completelyand fill the neck of the bottle.

I have used many different typesand brands of corks including synthetics and have found that George sells an excellent cork at a great price and I am very happy with them!

[url] es&SubCategory=Corks&PartNumber=2320 [/url]
I'll have to second that. I have had a few leakers with other cork brands. With the finevinewine agglomerates, no leakers. They work great.
I also have great success with the finevinewines branded agglomerateds.

I have used #10 corks on the slightly larger openings of most screwtop bottles.
It's also nice to read George's "Fine Vine Wines" through the neck of the bottle. It gives a hopeful good description of the contents.

I won't buy any other!
Thanks for the feed back. I think I may of hit the jackpot and scored one for the home team
I have a coworker who works on the opposite hitch from me but is working over with me this week anyhow the point his brother is co-owner of a Fine Resturant in Mississippi and he said he can get me all the wine bottle I want. So I will find out how true this is in two weeks thats when he is supposed to bring the fist load.

By the way how many bottle is enough 60, 200, 600?
Never enough. I have stacks of clean wine bottles in boxes in my garage.
I had to smile on this one Ramrod. When I first started, I asked around for wine bottles, found a few, drank a few and saved them. It starts small, it always does. Then, daily as your interest grows, so does your desire to acquire more bottles, "just in case the world runs out!" Then you find space for more, and begin stacking here and stacking there. Throwing out items that you saved throughtout the years that have now become "least priority." Once in awhile you think that maybe you should count them....just to kinda get the idea that you may have enough for a few extra kits in mind. Then one day you start to "itemize them according to style and size." On another day you'll start again and re-arranging them in boxes, then shelves, then trunks, according to color.

One day you'll realize that your car's parking spot is of no real importance, and you'll begin to box and stack, and stack, and stack.

Then you'll have a "garage sale, " just tomake it abit more room so that it appears possibly your car just might fit in there again!

So you ask the question, "How many bottles in enough?" Not enough!

On the good positive side of this all, "If the world someday should run out of water, You'll have enough bottles to save it!
It is 1244 am here and I am waiting on a phone call as when to head out to meet a freind with 3 case's. A 2 hour round trip but the bottles are free lol.
Drive something economical and it won't be too bad. These gas prices are crazy. See how many bottles you get to the gallon.

Joe, how much is a gallon of gas in Hawaii?
Howz'it going? Well, regular starts off at $2.69 in some places if you're lucky. Premium goes around $2.90 on island. It's abit cheaper on the other islands, being Honolulu with the cheapest, around 50 to 60 cents less per.

You remind me of me! But one o'clock in the morning...I doe'no? Heck get some sleep, come here and I will give you all you can carry. Then you can figure out cost per mile. I"ll throw in a two day tour and we both can look for more...alot of wine consumers here!
I forsee a new corker in my future, the $13 isn't doing the job, any
sugestions? anything under $100 is OK. I want it to do a good job and
be able to do bar tops without much changing. the one I have now
doesn't push all the way in 1/3 of the time and the driving rod is too
small and leaves the cork dented. I'll post pictures elsewhere, can't
post them here.
I don't believe I can afford those bottles Joe but thanks anyway, I have been to the Islands only one time when I was 11 or 12 and I remember my parents talking about the cost of things then. Don't remember which island but we werevisiting my cousin who was in the Navy.
I have only used a Italian floor corker with a brass iris since I started and she works like a dream. Edited by: masta
Stinkie, for the best, I recommend the Italian floor model with the brass iris as Scott just mentioned. I have the Portuguese bench model with thenylon iris. It is very good also, and very adjustable.