Corked Bottle Storage

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Since I use the nomacorcs, not real cork I store my bottles upright. They fit better, store better and there is less wine surface to air ratio than if they are laid down.
With the regular cork and agglomerate corks, leave bottle standing up for at least two days after bottling. After that lay bottles on their side.
I call BS. Let's see the math on that calculation!

Standing up there is about a dime width of surface to air. Laying down it's a longer surface. There isn't more air, just less that's touching the wine.

Hey it's sulfited anyway.

If you are referring to the bottles storage, as the bottles disappear I can add another wine to the shelf that won't get mixed in with the others. Laying down they cover the whole shelf surface.
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A few weeks ago I couldn't even step into my wine cellar. Cases of wine all over the floor, shelves half full plus all the wine paraphanalia scattered about. Then it hit me :tz stand the btls. upright.

I got everything off the floor, organized, and labeled the wines on my shelves. Now I know what I have and where it is. As a group starts to become scarce I can add another wine next to it and they stay separate.

One good thing about being disorganized is I found 3 year old bottles of Merlot.
Steve, you'd better start getting rid of some of that wine. You have waaaaay too much. Put me down for a bottle of that 3 year old Merlot. LOL
Crap, you can put me down for some of the 3 week old stuff. I'm not picky at this point.

BTW... what would be a point of interest in a town called Beaver, PA? :sm
Does anyone store their wine bottles upside down? Due to storage issues, bottles stored in old bottle boxes take up much less space. I was told putting them in upside down is best to keep corks wet.