cool temp/bulk aging

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Senior Member
Jul 2, 2009
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I have a few carboys aging,all racked either once or twice.How will 45-50 F. degrees affect the process?
Could have a positive result in cold stablizing the wine.

Cooler temps lower the all over solubility of the wine, thus causing additional sediment to form.

I would just make it a point to rack before the wine warms back up.
that was my thought,but thought maybe 40 F degrees might be a little too much.All seem to be doing well.
As long as you are not expecting any "living" results (MLF or any type of further fermentation) then you should be OK.

Be advised, though, that at 40f, the wine will age and soften much slower than at higher temps.
Thank you sir.I may try to bottle a mead and a melomel yet this week.
hmm,sounds good...3 out of the 5 are light..others are blueberry melomel and plum.I'm anxious to give them some attention and start fermenting something else...just a busy time of the year