Confused - top off or not - different instructions

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Apr 22, 2014
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Carefully reading my Vintner kit instruction, it says not to top off after putting in carboy for step 2. And even for step 3 - stabilising and clearing - it has you add a small extra package, but clearly warns not to top off - as it will change the character of the wine.

Every where else I read - that it's essential to eliminate most of the space and suggests to add a similar wine - so there's only a few inches with very little room for oxygen.

Who's right? Top off or not? Thanks
I remember someone here talking about this exactly and then reading the notice from vintners. New instructions for vintners do not call for topping off. They don't want the kit watered down but I'd go with the standard idea here of keeping it topped up in the secondary with a similar wine.
I looked at the instructions and it is as you say - I would not top off this kit wine unless you intend to bulk age. I'd be confident that these guys have done the testing and you'll be fine following the directions. Your instructions do cover topping off only if you're going to bulk age over one month.

If it makes you feel any better my RJS WS kit has me ~20 days in "secondary" without topping off.
The idea behind not topping off during step 2 & 3, (according to the WE rep I had spoke to) is that the wine is still giving off gas, which will protect the wine from spoilage.

You can leave most wine kits with air space during step secondary & clearing.
I would say once you fully degas and heading into the bulk aging phase you should top off with like wine.
what if you add sulfite, campden tablets,or k-meta to keep it from spoiling and do not top off, keeping in carboy with airlock an extra while for aging, toasted oaks?
what if you add sulfite, campden tablets,or k-meta to keep it from spoiling and do not top off, keeping in carboy with airlock an extra while for aging, toasted oaks?

Well than it all depends on how much surface space is exposed to air.
The more surface space exposed to air over a longer period will result in a greater chance for spoilage, over time no matter how much sulfate or oak is there.

your safest bet to preserve your investment is to top off.

But I am not a a scientific person so I could be wrong.
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If you are worried about it get some glass marbles, clean them, and drop them into the carboy until the wine level rises high enough.
Thank you everyone for your answers. I might try the marbles next time.
Much appreciated. Jeff
Some times it will take s bunch of marbles and rare but could crack the carboy. If your having issues just rack down to a 5 gallon and a 1 gallon jug or 1/2g. Since I added few 5 gallons carboys and 1g and 1/2 it's much easier. Plus with my AIO pump I don't loose much wine. I also place anything I add to the primary and carboy in hops bags. Takes away from loosing

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I will always top off every time when I do a transfer - I make sure that I fill it up to the neck of the carboy. I designed an air bag that actually displaced all the air in the carboy - but it was easier and simpler - just to add a similar wine to top off. In addition if you have any left over from topping - it must be drank that night - LOL