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Senior Member
Jul 26, 2011
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I am making a strawberry wine (I am a beginner) and made a must, added the chemicals and campden. Let it sit 24 hours, then added yeast. I got home tonight and it had a very thick foam on it and the straining bag was inflated. I stirred the wine, degassing it as it had tons of gas, and then I got the following result, these clumps seem like they may dissolve if I stirred it enough but not sure if there is something bad going on.

Its too early tobe degassing. You should be punching down your bag three times a day and stir up that yeast on the bottom mixing in some oxygen.
Ok wrong term, I wasn't trying to de-gas it I was trying to mix up those clumps, LOL. I can mix it twice a day but I have a job and the 3rd time is not gonna happen. That was taken a few hours ago. I just happened to notice that when I was mixing the wine it had a ton of gas, like a fizzy drink. I wasn't trying to get all that out. . . yet at least.

by punching down do you mean getting all the gas out of the staining bag. I never know what people mean by that.
Basically just submerge it in the must a few times and also get the paddle down towards the bottom to get the yeast up in the must.
OK, well it may look like a lot of wine but really I have just 1 gallon in that 6 gallon bucket. I wanted to try my hand at a non-kit wine before doing a whole 6-gallons, I did that with some watermelon wine and way too overipe (almost bad) fruit and not enough knowledge made for some of the worst stuff I have ever put in my mouth.

I made some Cranberry Wine using the this technique and it came out so good that the 1 gallon that I wanted for Thanksgiving is quickly dwindleing and I fear will not make it, it just tastes too good not to have just a sip, and a sip and sip. That 1 gallon is down to 1 bottle :(

I did make sure to get all the pulp in the bag saturated and dipped into the must and even tried to get some of that air out but it just filled back up like a balloon, as I said very gassy.
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Phil, I have not made too many wines from scratch as you are doing but what I do know is that once you start your fermentation the work load for one gallon or six gallon is the same. Too often folks make a damn good wine but only one gallon of it and then it's another 6-12 months before another one is ready. Another member talked about the skittle wine he made and the only mistake he made was that he didn't make a larger batch.
Oh I know but I like to try it to see if I am going to like it, I like dryer wines but I am learning that not every fruit tastes good super dry. So, I have to re-think my standpoint on what is wine, the cranberry tasted like a mixed drink almost, so tart and refreshing cold that I even popped it with my carbonator to give it a little pop. SO good I wished I would have done the whole batch.

But, I have also learned (from the watermelon wine) that waiting 6 weeks into a fermentation process and learing that the wine tastes horrible and then dumping 6 gallons and six weeks of waiting down the drain was heart wrenching, I am just SO so so glad I tasted it at six weeks and realized it was just that bad and was not getting better, I also learned that leaving a watermelon on the counter for 2 1/2 weeks and it smelled rank that you do NOT make wine from it thinking well it has already started to ferment. Ferment and Rot are not the same thing Philly boy.

So it sounds like the clumps are just a product of the yeast and carbonation and I will "punch it down" more often. Here is to a very yummy strawberry wine. I have to say it smelled SO good tonight that I wanted to taste it but knew it would just taste like Strawberry and Yeast.
I have a question what is the general consession on frozen whole fruit, no sugar, preservatives, just flash frozen fruit, I used it for my cranberry and it rocked, now that is what I used on my Strawberry, good or bad? It seems that it would be better than a concentrate, but I am the rookie so . . .