Cellar Craft Classic Cream Sherry

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Senior Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hello All,
After a long break from winemaking due to holidays and other life insanity I finally started my cc classic cream sherry and was wondering if anyone had any experience with this kit. Smells great. Not sure I did the yeast rehydrate properly but there is some bubbling already. I think I am going to let this one age a while
I made and still have the W.E cream sherry and if this 1 is anything like that you will love it!!
Awsome Little nervous that as of this morning no yeast action. KItchen a bit cold last night but I had brew belt on. Never had a kit not be bubbling by the next morning.
Just checked Did not have time earlier. Temp is 81 still nothing for bubbling. Im going to call George
Talked to George who had me check sg which started 2 days ago at 1.160 and is now down to 1.150 so things are happening even though I do not see them. Thanks Georgefor calming me down
Visual signs are not a good indicator. Im very surprised that at that temp its taking that long to get going. That is a very high starting sg though so maybe the yeast is having a little hard time getting off their feet. This might be a good candidate for a second packet of yeast!
Kit came with second pack of yeast which I did add. George said to check sg every couple of days and as long as it changes then something is happening. It is a desert wine with lots of sugar so yes it is taking time getting going, still nothing real visual. Usually i have the lid of primary bowing and the airlock bubbling by this time. Its a different type of wine for me soa learning experience
Ive mad a lot of these dessert wines and they usually go nuts but Ive had 1 or 2 go slow but noit that slow at that temp. Id try giving it a good stir.
Ok I think im gonna be good. Today was the first day I had a chance to take a look at it. ( This raising a child and working full time is really interfering with my wine making) Never did give it that stir Wade.
Still no bubbles in the airlock but when I took lid off the surface was bubbling nicely. Sg is down to 1.082 so I am feeling a lot better. Thanks as always for your help

Im looking foward to this one but realize I am going to have to wait a while to tyr it
Yes, it's a good one, and what's more it seems to be pretty good within a few months of bottling. I have just bottled my second kit, after bulk aging about six months. The flavor mellows a little bit with age, but it's really a tasty, rich treat even young. I tried another FVW customer's cream sherry after only two months in the bottle (no bulk aging) - pretty tasty, though not quite as smooth as one with a little age.

The tricky part is at the end - clarifying after adding the 'reserve' bottle (f-pack-like thing). I clarified *before* adding the flavor reserve, and only noticed afterwards that you're supposed to add the flavor reserve a bit before clarifying. Still seemed alright when I bottled it, although the flavor reserve introduced some new sediment at the bottom. It usually helps to read and follow the instructions - oops.
Thanks Bart,
I am now truely excited especailly the part about opening in three months. Thanks for the warning about adding the reserve. Im pretty good with the reading directions thing but will watch for that one
Ok so I have been a little slow with this wine but I am almost ready to bottle, it cleared beautifully and the color is awsome. Hope to bottle this week. Managed to have a glass of it tonight and YUMMY. Very smooth and sweet but packs a punch. I am looking foward to opening a bottle on a cool night in the Fall. Now I have to decide what to start next
Yeah so I have been a bit slow on this one but I bottled tonight 14 and a half bottles. Will use that half botle as my quality assurance test, already had one glass and it packs a bit of a punch but is very smooth going down. I am looking foward to having this on a cold winter night in front of a fire. Hopefully life will calm down a bit and I can keep production going, wine cellar getting very empty