Christmas time

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
Wishing you all a merry and happy Christmas. We are going to be at home alone, the kids are going to the relatives on the other side. We will all get together a week from Saturday. Everybody travel safe and enjoy the time of year. Arne.
wishing evry one a Very Merry christmas Happy hanukkah , Merry heineken,
and a Happy Bah Humbug

My Family to yours


Happy Hanukkah 2013 Picture.jpg

Merry Christmas all! May you cherish time with the ones you love.
Hope Santa delivers all you wished for.

Merry Christmas to all the new friends I've talked to, and all the ones I have yet to meet! If you're traveling, be safe. If you're staying home, be safe a have a glass of wine for me!
Darn wish I knew how to do pics. Woke up this morning and every thing is covered with and inch or so of snow. Looks like there was no wind with it, just came floating down. Doesn't happen that way here very often. Usually it is all in piles. Anyway, looks like we are going to have a white Christmas. Be safe everyone. Arne.
Have a healthy, happy, safe and a Merry Christmas everybody. And thank you for all your insights this year.
Merry Christmas

To all of my wine making friends have a great holiday season be safe tàlk to all in the new year, MERRY CHRISTMAS
Merry Christmas everyone- to all of the northeastern folks- we had a house full of family tonight and had to turn on the A/C, never thought we'd have to do that on December 24, crazy weather for sure. Anyway, happy holidays!!
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